badcop wrote:
Paul Von Stetina wrote:
WTF? that asphalt/crack/26 image that has been up over 100 times with few votes, has 11 votes so far, the lighthouse that was painted by Winslow Homer is ahead, but not by much
I take it you took the lighthouse picture and are upset by the close competition?
you wouldn't be engaging in source whoring right now, would you.
for the record, I voted for the lighthouse picture today.
I just think it may be time to retire #26 once and for all.
I brought this up about that picture #26 about 2 months ago, and it just keeps showing up, I mean if it's going in the contest, just put it in already, I got nothing from it the first time it came up, and even less now, after all this time, I guess everyone is so sick of it, and that's why it's getting a high vote count, so it will never go up again, and as for source whoring, I did not say anything until the lighthouse was well on its way, yes, I did shoot it, but I did it for everyone here, and was making everyone aware of its artistic importance over a crack in the asphalt, and thanks for voting for it by the way

the Homer picture is not coming up now, I think imageshack is down right now