Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Hot or Cold?...whats your weather? - Reply to topic
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Location: Montreal, Canada
Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Fahrenheits? When are you guys going to stop the ghetto talk and learn the international language for temperature?
Lord David
Location: Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001, United Federation of Planets, Alpha Quadrant.
Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:36 pm Reply with quote
City of Melbourne - City of 'Four seasons in one day'
One day you can experience hot blistering heat (To match the actual season, your in) and the next it could easily feel like a cold winter...
Location: Cloud Cuckoo Land
Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Ontario, Canada. Snowing like a bastard today
California...screw you 
_________________ The revolution is just a T-Shirt away.
Location: Somerville MA
Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:31 pm Reply with quote
Boston, 13 degrees two days ago"  40 degrees and windy today,  we use to have a blizzard a week in the winter! ~ not in the last 5 years" not even measurable snow so far this winter! 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:08 am Reply with quote
Scrumpy wrote: Ontario, Canada. Snowing like a bastard today
California...screw you 
Sonoran Desert's overcast most of today...a rarity...and COLD tonight @ 50 (although it feels colder)!!! BRRRRR!!!
L.A. got a little snow the other night. Loved seeing the videos of Californians trying to drive in a little snow and ice!
Location: Uranus
Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:02 am Reply with quote
whats the weather??? who's kidding who? ....
....lets get straight to the point whats your pet smell like?
(been drinking)
Location: California & Idaho
Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:10 am Reply with quote
Eve wrote: Scrumpy wrote: Ontario, Canada. Snowing like a bastard today
California...screw you 
Sonoran Desert's overcast most of today...a rarity...and COLD tonight @ 50 (although it feels colder)!!! BRRRRR!!!
L.A. got a little snow the other night. Loved seeing the videos of Californians trying to drive in a little snow and ice!
Eve ,
You aint kidding!!! Cali's driving in anything under 80 degrees let alone freezing and icy is like a fish outta water....a real dumbass fish mind you!!...bwahahahha....does make for great entertainment though....remember us here in so cal (The OC ..beach cities in particular) are on "STORM WATCH _ _ 07 (INPUT DATE HERE) IF WE ARE EXPECTING ANYTHING MORE THAN A HALF AN INCH RAIN.....AND YOU GUYS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE MAP OR OVER THE POND IN MARCOS NEIGHBORHOOD MAY LAUGH....but im serious its true and takes up a good 95% of daily news when we have a KILLER storm (1/4 inch RAIN OR MORE) and we ARE ON STORM WATCH 2007!!!!...we are truely pathetic....but hey 360 days a year its beautiful,the people are gorgeous,the beaches are awesome ,our hills occasionnally burn in the winds...only to slide in the rain after,and if your lucky ya can even feel the earth move on rare occasion!!!...give me earthquakes and oxygen bars any day over sub freezing temps and snow thats chest off to the harbor to sit on my boat and watch the sun come up (in shorts,sandals and a tank top mind you!!!).......brrrr.....bwahahahahahahah

Location: Yorkshire,
Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:03 am Reply with quote
Michel wrote: Fahrenheits? When are you guys going to stop the ghetto talk and learn the international language for temperature?
Michel is right, what could be easier, 0 degrees = BBBBBBBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, freezing point
100 degrees = ouccchhhhhhhhhhhh, boiling point,
michael faraday was an electrical guru, never knew hot from cold iether, died when he nipped out to see how cold it was, never heard of ten below zero, woo hoo look at this wifey, it's still 14 degrees Fahrenheits?/// and the whole family froze to death on the front lawn
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:58 am Reply with quote
Weather has been crazy here in Georgia. Averaging between 50-80 deg. or for Michel 10-25 cel area. We had one day of "wintry" weather here so far where it was supposed to get freezing rain but it didn't get cold enough so it was just rainy and cold. For the most part I've been in shorts.
Location: Yorkshire,
Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:22 am Reply with quote
i lived in holland for 18 months, looks like a normal winters day to me
Location: Pakistan
Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:46 pm Reply with quote
Very cold here, -8 degree C.Few days back it was -10
Quetta, Baluchistan, Pakistan.
_________________ be inspired
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:55 pm Reply with quote
We got +3 C in the Vancouver area (I'm actually in North Vancouver, living on the arse of a mountain. You'll see through the buildings the actual downtown of Vancouver and bits of World Famous Stanley Park)
Our winter this year has had SERIOUS wind-storms, snow storms, and torrential rain storms. Thank heavens for the stability of the world's weather patterns.
*edit* yes, not the most picturesque view from my apartment's side window. But I didn't have the energy to walk all the way to the other side of the room to show you the Beautiful World Class Rocky Mountains. 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
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