A co-worker gave me permission to submit a bunch of pictures that he took at the EAA Airshow in Oshkosh Wisconsin. I resized 32 images to PSC's size requirements and uploaded them.
During this I found that uploading more than one picture at a time is a PITA. You submit a picture and it takes a minimum of 6 clicks to submit the second one (5 if you hit the enter key after selecting the file from your disk drive). Plus you have to pay close attention or else you could either miss one or submit the same pic twice.
I suggest that the process be streamlined a bit. Simply adding the ability to upload another pic right from the confirmation screen that comes up after you've uploaded a pic would be great (in other word put the submission form on that screen if the submission is successful).
Also it'd be cool to get a running list of the file names we've submitted for the day. This would help when uploading multiples in a row and when uploading in more than one session. This could be done with one additional table in the database that's keyed on the member's PSC ID, Date-time, and filename. Records older than 24 hours could be purged to keep the table from getting too big. Alternately the table records could be kept to give the users a listing of the images they've submitted in the past.

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey