vokaris wrote:
Luxwiz, thanks for sharing your experience. Can you resize/crop the different phases of the eclipse, so that the moon size and position matches from slide to slide. There's a similar one (from a different eclipse)
Fred Espenak did some pro work here.I took my photos quite sporadically (for instance I missed a whole section between 00:07 A.M. and 00:43 A.M. which would coincide with the phases missing between the 6th and 7th moon in the chart) and I took some of the photos at different magnifications, so I didn't quite get all of the stages and didn't have the uniformity of the intervals necessary to do this properly.This gif was the result of my attempt at the resizeing and croping of the best 27 (I noticed Fred used 24 frames in his animation and he got every critical phase covered beautifully) out of a total of 70 photos taken in all.I actually got the idea to formalize this photo shoot into a chart and gif after seeing that the photos actually came out better than I expected and that I had captured enough of the phases (with a bit of luck) to attempt the gif at all.Next time I'll get a digital camara mounted to a small telesope ,USB it to my computer and take a foto every 10 min.That should give me results like Fred's

.Thanks for the link it's the best lunar eclipse phase transition animation I've seen.