ScionShade wrote:
Did proc just stumble on a replacement for socks that will make everybody happy?
Consider this...everyone could add a smiley to their account, just like adding an avy--and then and dont have to mess up the normal little smiley pop-up cause eveyone can reach their own smiley through a little css class tag right there under the 'view more emoticons' text.
(on another tangent, could we ahve the word emoticons changed to smileys? it's so microsoft)
OOOOhhhh yah dat der is a good idear there hey (Wisconsin-speak for good idea).
As for the custom titles I see the fun in them but I also understand why people don't want them. I think of the custom titles like the titles in Dilbert.
- Vice President of Lunch Hour
- Ambassador to the State of Confusion
- King/Queen of Porta-Potties
- King/Queen of Denial
- Jello Stapeler
- Cat Herder
- Lint Harvester
- etc.
They don't mean anything. They're not a ranking of anything useful. They're just for the silliness factor. I see no difference in these and putting smartass sayings in your "location" field so that it shows up beneath your screen name. They're both ways of expressing your online personality. I, personally, could take them or leave them.
I'm more worried about having an overabundance of smileys like there is at DA. Too many general use smileys is a bad thing IMHO. Smileys are meant to help convey the meaning/tone intended in a post. Smileys that don't serve that purpose are un-needed (again IMHO).
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey