glennhanna wrote:
"Because I want too" "Because I want too"..... typically you are taught that "too" is used at the end of the sentence, but the rule doesn't count for incomplete sentences. So 'to' should be used instead of 'too'... as in "Because I want to live in Adelaide".
Other than that, it was a great project. Fun! Doesn't need to blow anybody away to be fun. The work you did took a long time to do and is good practice. Keep making more, people enjoy watching.
Wow im an idiot!!!!

- i never even noticed. Then i mentioned it to my fiancee and she said "Yeah i saw it." Why didnt she say anything
how long did it take you to make your video? You're far braver than I am.
The characters and objects probably 10 hours or so
The video probably 15-20 hours
But its tough to say since it was spaced out over a month. So it wasnt nearly as bad as what the total hours show
looks great, but you gotta learn flash, get a free 30 trial or swish, i think it's still free
I had flash installed on my PC but the tutorials were to much for me to grasp in one sitting so i quit

See now I know how to use vegas and the thing that took 20 hours this time wouldve taken 40 hours before. So im moving forward on that...but the size thing would be nice and i could have all my flash movies on one page instead having to make a new page on my site for it becuase they are usually 30-100MB
Thanks for the input and im glad you liked it.