Nintendo (make fun games your remember like mario and golden eye) Wii = interactivity loads and fun to play. - Zelda, fun games. (few of these)
Sony playstation has some good games like Final fantasy... errm ... errrrrrm... Yeah Devil may cry.. (Oh thats coming out for the xbox aswell so i hear ok errm an assload of racing games... and rayman... raymans cool he has like what no arms and legs just feet) playstation - consistant - FF, racing games (Sony crap on ther customers.)
(Microsoft... its like they named it after a small flacid

, anyway. aside from the money grabbing they made a console that has a GUI that nags you to go online. Xbox - halo, First person shooters (Xbox live)
PC, (XP is better for games than vista (the reason i say this is bacuase on the back of the last game i looked at Tiberium wars... It need more ram and processor speed on vista... hahahahha)
Net play, mmorpg (World of warcraft, Command and conquer 3 tiberium wars, age of empires, sim city and the sims, backwards emulation of classic games like sonic, mario, street fighter and so on. online play as part of the package)
Mac... HAHAHAHAHAHA oh ok seriously... errm. Calculator?
Nah heres the break dwon, Fps games like quake, urban terror (addon for quake heh go figure) and (gulp runescape... and miniclip.. macs are more for editing than games)
And lasty...