armogeden wrote:
Crowned wrote:
digitalpharaoh wrote:
Enough is enough.
We have had it up the HERE with the recent PSC site problems.
We DEMAND a better site.
We DEMAND better up-time.
If you're tired of this as I am...DON'T CHOP!
Don't chop, don't vote, don't participate.

Something assinine as usual
hush crowned. I enter about 4 contests a month at the moment but that doesn't mean I don't care about PSC as much as the next guy. I'm sure dp is just looking out for us all
For the record, Crowned...My entering 4 contests a month has NOTHING to do with my feelings for this site.
Screaming and shouting DID help a least it got Procs attention AND he actually replied to some of the messages that were posted...Of course, if you would like to go back to a site that's going down quite much, not knowing from one hour to the next when it'll be back...and not hearing a word from the new boss...then you go right ahead.
And...Hmmm...looks like YOU were the only one that wasn't frustrated over the entire ordeal last week...guess that's because YOU hardly ever chop anymore, so you really could care less about PSC, I suppose...
And yes, Armo...I was just trying to look out for a site that has meant a lot to ME over the past couple of years...AND for people who post 20 chops a month...
I would hate to see it any less than what it was when I joined.
So, Crowned...I find your comments not only odd (as usual), but annoying and non-productive. And since you're going after me, go ahead and make remarks about the slow server gifs, the banners that Marco, BigBuck and myself have amd any other graphic posted relating to the crashes around here.
Just DO it. Or shut yer trap.