Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Migrated Topics - what PSC means to me... - This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.
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Location: hollandsmolland
Thu Aug 14, 2003 3:59 pm Reply with quote
getting treu the day, and having sh*tloads of Phun  <br>just being creative and watch athers be craetive  <br>shout out 2 tha PSC people 
Location: NEW YORK
Thu Aug 14, 2003 4:01 pm Reply with quote
being able to twist reality to anything i want<br>makes it easier to deal with the world...
Location: +8-]
Thu Aug 14, 2003 7:10 pm Reply with quote
being creatively challenged, sharing a common interest with all u nutcases out there ... and the one at home, and proofing that i still got a few braincells left after all the drink and drugs 
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:18 pm Reply with quote
<b><I>I never used to do ANYTHING on the Internet. Now...everyday I have the honor & priviledge to be creative, share ideas & fellowship with some of the most talented, funny people in the world. Who knew, two or three jamokes from Pittsburgh would create something so wonderful. I even had ( & will in the near future) the privledge of meeting some of you in person. This has been one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. Thank you PSC...thank you all my good friends here...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.  </b></i>
Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:18 pm Reply with quote
Whenever I read a good book I go into kinda a "trance" and I cant hear anything anyone says and when I stop reading I feel like I just woke up..... same thing happens when I get into something I am doing on photoshop, time stands still. <br><br>PSC means having an excuse to be completely detached from reality for a while almost every day.
_________________ kencd7 wrote: Every year dozens of super models are victims of Mayan nipple sacrifices, I'm glad I'm not the only one that gives a rats ass about this.
Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:20 pm Reply with quote
oh ya... and I like the people a lot... so many different kinds. The diversity is fabulous.... I have a place in my heart for even the most annoying members 
_________________ kencd7 wrote: Every year dozens of super models are victims of Mayan nipple sacrifices, I'm glad I'm not the only one that gives a rats ass about this.
Location: montreal
Fri Aug 15, 2003 3:54 pm Reply with quote
thanks JMH... because of you i have another place to make an ass out of myself and love evey minute of it
_________________ beefhead said: beet, how did you make the girl puke at regular speed?
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Sat Aug 16, 2003 1:26 am Reply with quote
More than you all know. Since I have been hanging out on here more of late, I have come to realize how may lives this site brightens. It is so much more than a web site. It is a place where people go, to create, to laugh, to learn. The fact that I can help to bring so many wonderful and talented individuals together is one of the things that I am most thankful for. Each and everyone of the members and visitors of this site <i>are</i> what psc mean to me. Thanks to all of you for keeping an incredible thing going on.
Wed Aug 20, 2003 6:11 pm Reply with quote
I eat ear wax!
_________________ I rock your fucking face.
Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:22 am Reply with quote
Pacific Salmon Commission means nothing to me<br>We get our salmon from Tana
Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:39 am Reply with quote
<b>P</b>erhaps i <b>S</b>hould <b>C</b>onsider leaving if i criticise you
Location: stranded on a little island somewhere in the pacific
Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:08 pm Reply with quote
<b>P</b>lease <b>S</b>uck <b>C</b>arefully...its very fragile
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