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Location: Beyond the fringe
Tue May 22, 2007 11:40 pm Reply with quote
is there any way we could break up the contests by separating the animated pics from the still pics. In my mind they do fall under two different categories. I love both, but sometimes the still pictures are far more beautiful than the animated ones and vice versa. I think these need to be separated for the fact that some don't know how to create an animated gif. Also, I'm sure, that it kind of is a flashy way of doing true art work with the attraction of motion. To all of you gif animators out there: I appreciate and adore your work, it is something which I cannot create, but it seems as if there might be some advantage to doing that. And to the still artists, you only have one frame to master. It takes time and patience to create an animation that has both timing and realism. Would anyone else like to comment on this topic?
Location: Beyond the fringe
Tue May 22, 2007 11:49 pm Reply with quote
by the way, I skipped watching Entourage for this. just kidding. I got the on demand thing. I just wanna see who this pisses off.
Location: australia
Wed May 23, 2007 6:22 am Reply with quote
ya gifs are great but personally i don't think they should be allowed in the chops.
Wed May 23, 2007 6:48 am Reply with quote
gif anims are a part of what photoshop can do, and this is photoshop contest, so they should be allowed and should not be separated from static images.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Lord David
Location: Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001, United Federation of Planets, Alpha Quadrant.
Wed May 23, 2007 7:01 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: gif anims are a part of what photoshop can do, and this is photoshop contest, so they should be allowed and should not be separated from static images.
I agree the idiotic Belgian... 
Location: The other side of your screen
Wed May 23, 2007 7:07 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: gif anims are a part of what photoshop can do, and this is photoshop contest, so they should be allowed and should not be separated from static images.
Yeah exactly. And if I go around saying any differently I'm sure someone's going to say to me I can't use vectors so I think I'll keep my mouth shut 
Location: Jacksonville FL
Wed May 23, 2007 7:23 am Reply with quote
I didn't know you could make gifs with just photoshop. I always have to edit them with ImageReady.
Wed May 23, 2007 7:39 am Reply with quote
well yeah imageready, but that's part of the photoshop package (and with cs3 it's totally photoshop as imageready has been ditched (integrated in ps) )
Armo wrote: And if I go around saying any differently I'm sure someone's going to say to me I can't use vectors so I think I'll keep my mouth shut
good point there too
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Australia
Wed May 23, 2007 9:07 am Reply with quote
I wouldn't say that gifs are any less work or less quality, and I don't think too many members here are 'swayed' by the simple motion involved. My gifs start as full size, high res static chops. Sometimes the giffing is only an afterthought. Now you will see some great and ordinary gifs here, just as you will with jpgs.
Wed May 23, 2007 10:47 am Reply with quote
To say gifs should be allowed simply because Imageready is part of the Photoshop package is just exploiting a loophole.
I can type a story in Photoshop with the type tool, but we're not allowing stories into contests.
Grouping motion with still images is comparing apples and oranges.
I'm assuming this is the reason that gifs aren't allowed into the H2H where fairness is held in higher regard.
I've seen too many great images lose out to mindless gifs because so many voters are mesmerized by movement.
Wed May 23, 2007 11:08 am Reply with quote
badcop wrote: To say gifs should be allowed simply because Imageready is part of the Photoshop package is just exploiting a loophole.
I can type a story in Photoshop with the type tool, but we're not allowing stories into contests.
Grouping motion with still images is comparing apples and oranges.
I'm assuming this is the reason that gifs aren't allowed into the H2H where fairness is held in higher regard.
A (good) animation of a single source still requires the creator to be able to chop, the same tools and knowledge are required as with 'normal' chops. So in my opinion there's no difference (excepting for multiple frames.)
Quote: I've seen too many great images lose out to mindless gifs because so many voters are mesmerized by movement. I've seen the opposite happening too. Maybe this is true for newcomers who see the giffy magic for the first time. But I think most people that are used to this place are not that easily fooled
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Site Moderator
Wed May 23, 2007 11:41 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: gif anims are a part of what photoshop can do, and this is photoshop contest, so they should be allowed and should not be separated from static images. PS/ImageReady can also do HTML Javascript Rollovers and stuff - let's allow these also, it might add to the fun 
Location: atlanta, ga
Wed May 23, 2007 11:45 am Reply with quote
While I can definitely give credit to GIF images in the talent and skill required to manifest, I do have to say that they should be in a different category.
Why? (You may ask..)
It isnt any differentiation of creativity, talent, or skilled use of Photoshop to create them....
What it IS though, is a definite difference in what the two actually ARE.
One is an ANIMATION...the other is a PICTURE.
While the use of static pictures to create the animations are valid, they are all (however many needed) used to comprise the whole concept..... animated movement. The use of whatever tools to create them is irrelevant.
Quite simply, while an animated GIF uses the similar processes to be created as a STATIC image...they are still two different things.
I think having two different areas for them might be a good idea, as it keeps the doors of creativity open. Perhaps, during the same contest (same image, format, voting etc) winners of static images can be given AND winners of animated images can be given...
Having the two areas I think will not only show the talent and creativity of both styles, but allow for more focused learning of each, by the artists and knowledge seeker of each type or style.
Location: Italy (With belgian blood in veins)
Wed May 23, 2007 11:48 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: gif anims are a part of what photoshop can do, and this is photoshop contest, so they should be allowed and should not be separated from static images.
Agree with Grefix
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