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Wed May 23, 2007 12:34 pm Reply with quote
glennhanna wrote: ... If it is real, then the mob will be hiring these guys to create some false images of public figures...
The point here is that this guy didn't create anything. He's only making a copy of a boring picture.
And I'm sceptical about if it's true or not. The three first steps (especially 3.5 hours) are strange. I made photorealistic airbrush illustrations for 15 years and I think the best (if you want to be efficient) is to start with a first layer of skin color for the WHOLE SURFACE and adding step by step every skin shades & contrast, and adding all the complex details at the end. Strange to see the cheeks, chin & neck still in white.
But anyway, about photorealism, everything is possible.
Look at Ron Mueck work... an hyperrealistic sculptor...
Location: Montreal
Wed May 23, 2007 12:53 pm Reply with quote
Fakiest thing ever...
I mean look at the zoom. It's clearly fake.
And just to give credibility to their fake, they fake a magazine. Classic fake technique. The next thing, they'll come up with a certificate of authenticity stamped by the Nasa.
I'll say fake three times in a row just to make sure everybody knows. Fake, fake, fake.
Oh and by the way, it's clearly fake.
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
Location: Netherlands
Wed May 23, 2007 12:54 pm Reply with quote
@Dot yes that's me, but 2 years older now
I can see the thruth in both arguments, but nevertheless, I find it unbelievable that people can do this. No matter if it is useful or even stupid...I can't get near the edge of what they are doing.
@Claf the Ron Mueck thang is also beautiful, but here counts the same reasons. What's the use, get a camera and so on. But it is pretty good.
Edit-As for the avatar.... I dang near ignored your post. Laughing
And this is why????
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed May 23, 2007 2:42 pm Reply with quote
These are fake too and I'm in awe of them as well
not only that, now it seems its good for you too  !!!
seriously though, I'm in awe
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Wed May 23, 2007 3:38 pm Reply with quote
In response... Claf, the article reads that he used the photo as a reference and used some artistic license, albeit, only a little... and I love the link you sent!
Alex... this is not fake! Read the article and look at each image. The article seems to explain the details. I am sold that it is authentic!
Wed May 23, 2007 3:43 pm Reply with quote
What's the use? Get a camera?
Does no one see the skills involved painting a hyper realistic painting?
If they wanted to take a photo, they would have.
Instead, they wanted to take a piece of canvas and some paints and create something that closely resembles a photograph.
I've seen some of these. From a few feet away, you'd never know it wasn't a photo...that is, until you get up close...and see the teensy tiny brush strokes.
Unless of course, they're doing it in Photoshop...then it's kinda cheating.

Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Wed May 23, 2007 4:22 pm Reply with quote
digitalpharaoh wrote: Wait.
What's the use? Get a camera?
Does no one see the skills involved painting a hyper realistic painting?
If they wanted to take a photo, they would have.
Instead, they wanted to take a piece of canvas and some paints and create something that closely resembles a photograph.
I've seen some of these. From a few feet away, you'd never know it wasn't a photo...that is, until you get up close...and see the teensy tiny brush strokes.
Unless of course, they're doing it in Photoshop...then it's kinda cheating.

it's all a part of the airbrush rage left over from the late 70's - early eighties... at a time when there weren't digital cameras... and now with the latest technology, what are these guys supposed to do... most of the friends I know that were big into airbrushing, do motorcycles, hockey helmets or are tattoo artists!
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed May 23, 2007 4:26 pm Reply with quote
318830 wrote: it's all a part of the airbrush rage left over from the late 70's - early eighties... at a time when there weren't digital cameras... and now with the latest technology, what are these guys supposed to do... most of the friends I know that were big into airbrushing, do motorcycles, hockey helmets or are tattoo artists!
These guys need to get a Wacom with the airbrush stylus. Imagine the stuff they could do then. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Wed May 23, 2007 4:33 pm Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: 318830 wrote: it's all a part of the airbrush rage left over from the late 70's - early eighties... at a time when there weren't digital cameras... and now with the latest technology, what are these guys supposed to do... most of the friends I know that were big into airbrushing, do motorcycles, hockey helmets or are tattoo artists!
These guys need to get a Wacom with the airbrush stylus. Imagine the stuff they could do then. 
no shit! ( pardon the fecal reference)... they would be insane!
Wed May 23, 2007 4:37 pm Reply with quote
318830 wrote: In response... Claf, the article reads that he used the photo as a reference...
I know, I know... that's why I said he didn't create anything.
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