mason4300 wrote:
What some of you don't seem to realize is that the brackets are decided upon a persons PSCore. So Alex creating a new account and making junk chops doesn't give him what he really has in his real account. So it does matter. He gets paired against people he normally wouldn't be paired against.
Just playing Devil's advocate - a top chopper makes an alias and posts some sloppy chops. When getting into the H2H he (feel free to substitute 'she' or 'her' where applicable) is
- (cons:) fully aware that he'll be paired against another top chopper in round 1
- (pros:) guessing that said top-chopper opponent might not give it his best effort, he knocks him off balance and thus clears his path to at least round 4
On the other hand - it is the opponent's fault to let his guard down when paired with an unknown non-advantaged newbie - one cannot judge said newbie's skills based on his portfolio. Non-advantaged fellow members have a couple of hours to turn in an entry if they want good exposure. H2H evens the playing field - how would anybody be sure what a newbie might pull given 2 full days to work with a source?
I was trying to come to some valid conclusion, but I failed. Miserably.