ok some good giffy avatars going on
thanks all for entering.
I have gone over all entries, and here be the results live from me:
*1st place and of course 3 months of advantage go to.........
Tesore (3 really good avatars/signature logo's, liked the crisp look of them too) well done
*2nd place and also bizarrely 3 months of advantage goes to........
irishstu (great use of one of my recent entries, enjoyed that alot)
but a suprise as I liked them so much, and apprieciate the work and time that went into them
I will buy 3 months of advantage for both
Whimsea and
Cheryl, thanks for the giffy avi's
ok so enjoy, i'll notify Proc of the transfer of advantage for both Tes and Irish, should be done soon...ish maybe 10 minutes
also special thanks to all the advantage members who made me laugh with various wobbling body parts, if its ok I will steal those avatars and put them to good use in the future
congrats all and thanks again guys and gals