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Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:34 pm Reply with quote
God that looks incredibly boring. >_>
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:57 pm Reply with quote
I just covered the first 7 minutes...
I'm gonna keep going...
(I suspect it is a movie that one should watch whilst excluding the mind yet engaging the heart.)
----------------------review in a couple hours-----------------
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:29 pm Reply with quote
Shit Leif.....that's the biggest load of bull ever.
That's asked for it and now here it comes...
ya ready?
Ya better be .....
 TAKE THAT! aaaaaaaandddddd THIS! 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:08 pm Reply with quote
.... I'm 1/2 way through.
I suspect the reviews from the US of A will be quite different than those of the rest of the world... 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:04 pm Reply with quote
This will probably end up being a thread with LOTS of people commenting on something they haven't sat through.
I sat through it. There are some VERY good points made in this film. And it doesn't matter if you BELIEVE in them, but you would do well to THINK about them.
The best way to stop learning is to utter the words "I know".
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Massachusetts
Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:05 pm Reply with quote
I'm about 15 minutes through, and will probably finish the rest of it tomorrow, but I thought that early bit sounded familiar: I will say that over 5 minutes for an introduction is kind of long, especially for ADD-suffering Americans. But I have persevered past that, and will continue it tomorrow. Other than that, I won't give an opinion on the Zeitgeist movie until I've finished watching it--if then.
ReinMan posted while I was posting, and I agree:
ReinMan wrote: This will probably end up being a thread with LOTS of people commenting on something they haven't sat through.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:38 pm Reply with quote
finestcall wrote:
It's kinda funny (in a very sad way) but this really illustrates a point the movie makes...

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:07 am Reply with quote
Sat it through, and it's not boring at all.
Well, nothing new was introduced, that's a fact.
Doesn't really matter if you believe what is said here, only thing that matters is if you don't believe this, just have a thought about why you should believe the other. General message, think for yourself.
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Lafayette, California
Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:22 pm Reply with quote
Can someone give a quik rundown of what this movie is about?
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:53 pm Reply with quote
It's all I can do to sit through a two hour movie about something funny and interesting. Sorry man, Noooo Bingo!
_________________ chop chop
Location: Massachusetts
Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:26 pm Reply with quote
ssshisto wrote: Can someone give a quik rundown of what this movie is about?
Grefix just did! Grefix wrote: Sat it through, and it's not boring at all.
Well, nothing new was introduced, that's a fact.
Doesn't really matter if you believe what is said here, only thing that matters is if you don't believe this, just have a thought about why you should believe the other. General message, think for yourself.
Details covered: Starts with astrological, Pagan, and historical parallels to (or even bases for) Christian symbology. Moves on to point out many pieces of the 9/11 puzzle do NOT fit together to form quite the picture that mainstream media and our (U.S.) government has painted for us. Continues with the downsides of a central bank and the Federal Reserve system and how the drive for profits has led us to war in the past and has again now.
janetdog wrote: It's all I can do to sit through a two hour movie about something funny and interesting. Sorry man, Noooo Bingo!
But more than the point of views expressed in this movie, and whether you agree or disagree with any of them, a major thrust, which might be lost in these "details," is to question why you believe what you believe. At the bottom of the screen, below the movie, is this quote: "They must find it difficult... Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority." -Gerald Massey
All these details lead up to the premise that most people do not think for themselves. We (U.S. society) have an insatiable appetite for entertainment and distraction. Why else would Michael Moore and the topic of health care reform have been bumped from Larry King Live in favor of Paris Hilton--and then the Paris interview enjoy sky-high ratings? And thusly sated, will you swallow anything else the mainstream media and the government try feed you? The movie doesn't finally state this point until the very end.
There are a lot of interesting details put forth in this movie, some of which I intend to research for myself, such as the "North American Union" and possibility of the "amero" as our currency... and it does make a certain sense to me that if our "failing" public schools were NOT what our government wanted, something really would have been done about it by now... but in the spirit of this movie, I encourage you to watch it and decide for yourselves... don't settle for just my summary.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:34 pm Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: It's all I can do to sit through a two hour movie about something funny and interesting. Sorry man, Noooo Bingo!
I in no way wish to insult you, and I have ZERO intention to do so: but again this is one strong point in the movie - the MEDIA has us so farted up with shitty entertainment (see Caf's comments above about Paris Hilton vs. Michael Moore) that we CAN'T sit through ANYTHING anymore!
Dammit Janet, (sorry Rocky Horror fans) but I really think you should decide to ride it out. (and, this is really directed at not just Janet, but ALL of you who feel daunted by the task. )
*edit* I PM'd Mr.Dog and I have a much better understanding of his reasons for not viewing this movie - and I respect that. I'll leave my text as is as it wasn't him specifically I was pointing a finger at - I'm pointing at ALL of us kinda.
It's NOT because this movie is right or wrong, but some very smart intelligent people (I know, you wouldn't NORMALLY think of Leif that way, but...) are saying THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WATCH.
PLEASE NOTE: I'm a fully certified A.D.D. by-polar dude. I don't do MEDS (contrary to my ReinMan persona) and it ain't EASY for me to sit through this type of flick. BUT if I can do it ANYONE can do it.
You do not INSULT me if you do NOT decide to watch this film, but you do insult me if you try to tell me its stupid or nonsense IF YOU HAVE NOT VIEWED IT YOURSELF.
I'll summarize a bit here:
You are being programmed to TUNE OUT and ACCEPT SHIT.
People dying in a WAR of LIES is NOT as important as a rich spoiled bitch who risks killing people in her car in a drunken stupor.
Thanks for letting me rant. I rarely speak my mind about this stuff but FUCK, take a look at our planet! If you can look me in the eye and tell me what we are DOING is WORKING OUT OK then I'll shake your hand and go somewhere else and leave ya to it.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
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