Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:29 pm Reply with quote
armogeden wrote:
Stevster wrote:
arcaico wrote:
Stevster wrote:
arcaico wrote:
Stevster wrote:
arcaico wrote:
Stevster wrote:
arcaico wrote:
Stevster wrote:
arcaico wrote:
Stevster wrote:
arcaico wrote:
Eve wrote:
Finally...the last round and no source?
Is this fair?

I donīt know where the source is, but I sure know where the winner is... *looks at mirror*
eat that Steve
The mirror NEVER LIES!!!
thatīs not a mirror... thatīs my toilet!!!!!
Guess you need a big toilet for all that crap you put out.

I know... Iīll try to leave ya more room in there from now on...

You better....don't know where I'm going to fit all the votes I take from you in the last round.

ya calling the voters crap??? YA HEAR THAT VOTERS???? YOUīRE ALL A BUNCH OF CRAP FOR STEVSTER!!!

Don't blame me because the voters will choose the toilet over you!

is that the time you wake up?
Tell you about I kick you in the nuts for two days and save everyone some time. Your thoughts?
how about you give up and avoid humiliation?
Ok Ok.....I'll kick you in the nuts for only one day.

It's a good thing your chopping skills aren't as good as your bargaining or I might have something to worry about.

I have nothing to say on this matter, but quotes are sure as hell fun.
Wow!!!................sure is a lot of boxes................

Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin