ReinMan wrote:
This is neat - I like the puzzleness of it. But, sadly, I am rather A.D.D. and have trouble sticking with it. In fact, here I am typing to you guys instead of sticking it out on level 4 trying to figure out that dam light bulb thing!!!
A.D.D. meself Reiny! I quit taking the meds as I kept forgetting to get my Rx refilled.
I actually find that puzzles like this keep my attention. Must be why I went into computer programming.
Level 1 - duh
Level 2 - mind the finger pointing
Level 3 - it's important that you "don't be so negative" and this relates to what you learned how to do in level 2
Level 4 - Depending on your monitor you may need to adjust the brightness & contrast before looking on Google.
Level 5 - Google is your lyrical friend here.
Level 6 - The title and comments are important! Also "keep the right frame of mind" when searching.
Level 7 - Read the URL and the code comments! Google is your buddy here BIG time and you use the technique you learned in level 2.
Level 8 - Say "Jay Pack" out loud. Choppers should get this easy. Then you MUST figure out what "water into wine" relates to (and mind your "e" in the conversion or you'll get only "soooo close").
Level 9 - Easy if you know CSS and have Firefox/Firebug. Or just read the code.
Level 10 - Trickier. Use a little bit of what you learned in level 8. I also recommend you should have the "
Audacity" to go backwards before you hurry up and then continue.
Level 11 - GOT IT! You need to figure out what is ahead of it's time on this level. Then you'll need to do what you did in #4.
Level 12 - This on is freaking hard! It'll
gif you much headache if you can figure out what moves wrong.
Level 13 -

(<- mega clue). There's an image map with several "hot spots" that you have to figure out like a connect-the-dots.
Level 14 - Ahhh Une torsion française!
Level 15 - You need to figure out what keys to hit.
Level 16 - ?