PolishFloor - you are a rude and nasty-mouthed b*sturd (yes, I meant to say "turd") but you, in your own "special way" have made a very good point.
People: This is a site that takes our creativity. It displays our creativity. It gets MONEY from US (Advantage) and it gets MONEY from ADVERTISING. We do NOT (except for the odd happy contest prize of product that usually lessens your chop skills) get MONEY or (usually) JOBS from participating in this site.
THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE. It can uncannily RESEMBLE it, and probably how you treat people here is how you treat them OUT THERE, but THIS IS JUST AN ENTERTAINMENT WEBSITE and what we members get out of it is just that: entertainment.
I agree with Polish: take a break (I did and it did me a world of good and gave me some much needed perspective (something ALL artistic types require)). Go for a walk - go look at the ocean/sky/mountians/pond/weeds along the highway, whatever.
The shit that goes on here, the BAD and the GOOD,
will NOT have a lot of weight on your minds and hearts when you are on your death beds (and we all get there at some time or another).
Okay - I'm takin' my own DAM advice and going for a walk. If I'm not careful I may run into a patio and a favorite beer of mine!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!