I am intrigued by the game but there are some things to work out.
1. AI. I'd put in some more bot characters for people to battle. I literally went into three different towns and kept seeing the same opponent there. Granted, if staying "in character", a vamp could follow a hero from town-to-town but there should be a mix of how many there are in each town.
2. AI part II. Have the bots be of differing "toughness". Ever watch Blade movies? Some vamps are wussies and others are studs. The same concept is already in the game as player's characters vary in experience and strength. Carry that over to the bots.
3. Player's choice. Let people decide whether to play as a vamp or a hero when they sign-up. I didn't see the choice when I created my character. Did I miss it?
4. Interface. We've pointed out a couple things already but here's more 'splainin.
A) The battle/attack should indicate that the stats in the boxes are the amount of points you have at your disposal to use in a battle. Like magic points and physical attack points. I figured it out but it's not totally clear to some people.
B) Why use negatives values in the ability boxes? Is that just to make it harder to recover? If so then it makes sense. Otherwise just go down to zero. All zeros and your character is dead. Then stay dead until you either get resurrected by a team mate or until the next "age" of the game.
C) Inventory management. This is a major pain that will drive people away and there's multiple parts.
C1) If I buy a weapon I shouldn't just drop it when I change forms and then never be able to recover it when I change back. And if I can hold a weapon in a different form then why would i lose it when I change form in the first place?
C2) If I can buy muliple weapons I should be able to put them in my castle "armory" the same way I can with falcons and the aviary.
C3) If I can buy one of each weapon then why do I only get to carry one at a time? If you can only carry one weapon then make it an equip/dequip system or force the player to ditch, sell or store the weapon in their armory before being able to upgrade to a new, better, weapon.
C4) If I buy potions there should be an option of when to use them. As it is now it appears that you automatically use it when you buy it? Have this as an option during battle/attack sequences. Think of how a character would/could pull a potion out in the fray and use it (both healing and attack potions like holy water).
I'm sure there's other things that I'm not thinking of at the moment. These are all just things off the top of my head (kind of a stream of consciousness thing going on).
If I play again I'll try to take better notes.