Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - DEWDEW tired of the DOODOO - Reply to topic
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Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:23 am Reply with quote
You see my friends, i come here to have a little fun. If i have offended you in the process, let me say "i'm sorry". I owe grefix an apology,and where ever you are grefix i hope there are no hard feelings. This is a little long and just a letter to clear up a few things.
I love photoshop, it is still new to me. I am by no means a pro, i have no formal training and have no plans on taking any classes. I became a member here because i thought it would be a nice place. i have learned a great deal and have improved a great deal since my first entry. There have been a few here with advice to help me along.
i have not bought a membership beacause 5 years ago i went to the doctor and discovered i may have Narcolepsy. Many test, lots of money ,and a few months later i was diagnosed. I was all the sudden unemployed on the spot. There was no change of duty, no severance package, no job transfer. One day i was the elite, the next obsolete.
Narcolepsy robbed me was the way i saw it. The fact that i knew all my life something was'nt right did'nt even matter. I live in South Carolina and in my state, employers must have workman's comp insurance before they can hire. Workman's comp does not cover Narcoleptics. So now i was out of work and unemployable.
The American with Disabilities Act says that you are covered by them unless your disease is an endagerment to your self or others.Well thanks to the DUECE BIGALOW movie,giving people the impression Narcolepsy will cause you to drown in your soup, guess who falls in that category.
I am currently applying for disability, as fucked up as that sounds. I have been turned down twice. Some how , even though no one will hire me because of the Narcolepsy and workman's comp bullshit. (no i cant even hand out videos at blockbuster) I may fall on the box "ridge up" i guess?????????? Mickey D's ......nope might get burned on the grill, or fall out the drive thru window???????
I am a electrician,and welder by trade. So i am no slacker, i'm not lazy, i have brass out the ass. Can name about every gun made on "gods little antfarm" by cal. and sound. 1990 i became a new recruit right after highschool. Trust me when i say cold water and scatter fire are two of the most effective Narcolepsy meds in the world. Sleep don't even have a chance when your hearts the only sound you here and hypothermia has been riding your back since you left shore.
So this letter is to let everyone know that being funny is the last thing most would expect from someone like me. I have found it difficult to adjust, to civilian life, to my family, to being dad, to being looked at as a lazy person who just don't want to work. I have never been given anything i did'nt earn. i will hurt before asking for help. I do not greet the day with the intention of hurting anyone in anyway. I speak to everyone i see with a smile and will help the needy and give change to childrens charity even though i know i need too.
it's who i am, not how people perceive me that counts.
There is no man or woman here that can say i wronged them. i have joked around, talked much shit and had some laughs but i keep running into a few here that take me to be stupid. Maybe its because i'm a little to relaxed with my typing skills. Some time trying to put character in a plain text type is hard. I am not an english major and being a minor is not looking good either.
I have had emails to become a member at "other sites" in my "psc box". I have tried to give good advice, and may have even got someone to stay when they were leaving because of just plain meaness. I have sent emails to let someone know that i hope they did'nt take offense to a rejected offer they gave to someone else. So if you think that i am a non productive member or someone who may perceive things a little different because of a lack of education or photoshop top secrets disc.
Your wrong. If the whole forum is about a topic and you feel after 60 post you must jumpin and comment on my litarary skills only ,but really have no input on the topic YOUR wrong.Is it because you would really like to be in on the conversation, just can't come up with anything intellegent to say. So you think: who does this stupid no spelling non member think he is having conversations with the advantage people.
6 pages of chat......if it was'nt a big deal noone would have said any thing about it.....but out of the few who were there you leave "dewdew savier" hahahahahahaha. Does it bother you that i get reconition without 10 dollars or are you just that damn self centered. i am not trying to point no one out of the crowd but i am tired of being pointed out myself.
you wanna join in the conversation... say dont care for my humor.... say so.
I know that being a jokester means being a target for jokes.
I'm 35 years old and i have never acted my age. i love to make people laugh. Sometimes that whole persons day can be changed by making them smile. I don't have a lot now to smile about, my life is so different because of one doctor visit. quit is not a word i have ever used, no matter the pain or suffering. I don't allow my kids to let "i can't" come out thier mouths.Around my house thats no-no uno. So don't keep up with the bullshit. you have a hard time reading my response DON'T
like i said i come here to relax and have fun. i enjoy most things here and i have never been mean to anyone unless your picking on someone because you don't give out "pats on the back" around here. I have never bitched about the votes, the rules, or the fact that most advantage members could give a rats ass all because i can't pay the fee. NOT won't....CAN'T.
please keep you remarks about me to your self or have the respect to send me a inbox messege if you find you just have to insult me. I don't won't to have the one place i actually like ,ruined just because you took me as a easy target. i have enough to deal with everyday. this is my release, my therapy. when i'm chopping all the bad i have, just go right out the window. i come hear to learn,see,and participate. i am tired of the few holier than thou talking down to me. If talking to people, replying to forums or just trying in general to be a nice, funny guy is not enough for you, so be it. This is the one and only serious letter i plan on writing.
Please dont make me look for another therapist. i have lost all i plan on loosing.
Now with all that going on and the position i'm in. would'nt you use the name dewdew.
For 5 years doo doo is all i have known.[/u]
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:45 am Reply with quote
i like you too dew ya make me laugh 
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:45 am Reply with quote
thank you oscar, just trying to stay happy here at the meds
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:50 am Reply with quote
no problemo mate, u are a nice person, quite clever and really funny (weelll maybe its close to french or russian humor i dunno!) i think, i heard that.i dont think thers anything else than fun around...i gtg really late here,but keep the good fun typing, we need it ! have a good day:)
Location: UnitedStates
Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:54 am Reply with quote
dare to repeat myself...
I got so excited to see you were online right now!
you're like a new wind-up toy I've just discovered!
you're not doodoo to me.... you're like dew the dew - mtn. dew - lots of caffeine and all bubbly and some odd ingredients... why is there wood rosin in my dew?
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:01 am Reply with quote
glycerol ester of woody rosin? yeah that is the scientific name for him but i call him G.E. for short, and typing his full name can be a challenge for the illiterate
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:32 am Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: glycerol ester of woody rosin? yeah that is the scientific name for him but i call him G.E. for short, and typing his full name can be a challenge for the illiterate ok wait read your 8th vote/comment you left me.........are you guys talking about me now i'm confused here is the link
Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:18 am Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: I owe grefix an apology,and where ever you are grefix i hope there are no hard feelings.  No hard feelings mate, I'm not offended easily. And btw, never meant to offend you either, if i did, sorry
I would insert the hug-smiley but I'm not the hugging type 
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: UnitedStates
Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:58 am Reply with quote
NOGOODSK8RPUNK wrote: dewdew wrote: glycerol ester of woody rosin? yeah that is the scientific name for him but i call him G.E. for short, and typing his full name can be a challenge for the illiterate ok wait read your 8th vote/comment you left me.........are you guys talking about me now i'm confused here is the link
 javascript:emoticon('  ')
No, that's a different G.E. as in General Electric - they make light bulbs, etc. their advertising tagline is: G.E.... we bring good things to life!
I'm not sure what dewdew's G.E. stands for.... shall we guess?
I can think a lot of things, most not printable here... so how about:
giant.... eventually
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:02 am Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: NOGOODSK8RPUNK wrote: dewdew wrote: glycerol ester of woody rosin? yeah that is the scientific name for him but i call him G.E. for short, and typing his full name can be a challenge for the illiterate ok wait read your 8th vote/comment you left me.........are you guys talking about me now i'm confused here is the link
 javascript:emoticon('  ')
No, that's a different G.E. as in General Electric - they make light bulbs, etc. their advertising tagline is: G.E.... we bring good things to life!
I'm not sure what dewdew's G.E. stands for.... shall we guess?
I can think a lot of things, most not printable here... so how about:
giant.... eventually did you look at the comment/vote i get the slogan but was confused about who you guys are talking about 
Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:47 am Reply with quote
Wanna hear something funny? Since you like funny.
I never for ONCE thought of your name like DOO POO POO...
it's always been DEW DEW.. like the water droplets...
Now, everytime I see your name, I will laugh. 
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:15 am Reply with quote
dfwsusan wrote: Wanna hear something funny? Since you like funny.
I never for ONCE thought of your name like DOO POO POO...
it's always been DEW DEW.. like the water droplets...
Now, everytime I see your name, I will laugh. 
I'm a caffeine addict so I thought of Mountain Dew. Particularly Code Red. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
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