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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - DEWDEW tired of the DOODOO - Reply to topic

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Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:40 am   Reply with quote         

digitalpharaoh wrote:
What did I miss?

i dunno, really, i tried to figure out but thats some serious PSC Space odyssey crap.... Laughing

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:54 am   Reply with quote         

[quote="ScionShadeI'm not always that nice sweet guy you think I am.[/quote]

Yes he is.
Don't let the gruff exterior and the tree sap fool ya.


Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:56 am   Reply with quote         

Bashing? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Evil or Very Mad

How about mashing, as in you mashing my words to fit into your diatribe about letting people be who they are. My comments are not about red hair, black hair and it is most certainly not about personalities. It is about communication, about being heard and understood, and about the need to not jump to conclusions too quickly.

So you can take all those other comments about the laboratory, the nose and boob jobs, and bad breath, and stuff them in your sock.

annajon wrote:
Is the laboratory closed now T Adams or are we going to keep bashing people about here for a while longer - why not let everybody be the way they are and take a little bit of time and efford to try and figure out what was realy meant by what was written down. Look, I punctuated.
Perhaps some people would like the PSC to create special rules for writing in the forums.

Funny - this is all beginning to sound very familiar - like this happened befor, years ago. Perhaps it is just something that comes full circle every now and then.

People are who they are, they can have red hair, black hair - straight or curled hair - they can have white teeth or brown teeth and bad breath, it make sod all difference here on the Web. What we do have is our own personallity.

And personallity is what we desperatly need in this freeking world today, where everything has to be molded after the most dumb stars nose and boobs.

Hands of personal expression in these forums, T. Because expressing yourself is one basic human right that may never ever be toughed again.

There, I have sayd it.


tadams wrote:
Grefix wrote:
dewdew wrote:
I owe grefix an apology,and where ever you are grefix i hope there are no hard feelings.
Smile No hard feelings mate, I'm not offended easily. And btw, never meant to offend you either, if i did, sorry Embarassed
I would insert the hug-smiley but I'm not the hugging type Wink

I never thought it was offensive myself. People here at PSC care about what others have to say. We all mistype or misspell. But, if at the very least one can't capitalize sentences, that person is making it very difficult for others to read. A paragraph here and there helps, too, but it is more important to keep the sentences from running into one another so that the message isn't lost.

Telling us to skip over what was written if we don't like it was the wrong thing to say DewDew, just as it was wrong to assume that you were being attacked. This is the online world. The nuances of speech and emotion do not come across the same. Online, people tend to write quicker and use fewer words, which can come across as being blunt.

I spend a lot of time online reading and commenting/voting/ and participating in some forums at PSC. When I saw your paragraph my head was spinning with confusion. I had to really slow down my reading in order to grasp what was being said. I don't want to do that, especially with someone who has a great sense of humor. It was a small request on Grefix's part that spiraled into you just needing to get some things off your chest.

I should have said something earlier, but I wanted to see how it played out, how Grefix would respond and how the Dew would respond.

Looks like it's going to be a sunny day.


Location: Augusta, Georgia

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:00 pm   Reply with quote         

ScionShade wrote:
I'm not always that nice sweet guy you think I am.

Stop pointing the finger at me!!! I PROMISE you I never put you in that category! Laughing Laughing Wink



Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:39 pm   Reply with quote         

Yo DewDew:

There is only room for ONE funny guy here. Sorry.
I'll have to kill you now.

Twisted Evil


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: South Carolina

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:39 pm   Reply with quote         

Does everyone here need a spanking ? Cause if they do i have a nice paddle, just line up and i'll be glad to give ya a whack ! Laughing Now play nice Wink


Location: Everywhere

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:46 pm   Reply with quote         

welan wrote:
Does everyone here need a spanking ? Cause if they do i have a nice paddle, just line up and i'll be glad to give ya a whack ! Laughing Now play nice Wink

I need one Wink


Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:47 pm   Reply with quote         

welan wrote:
Does everyone here need a spanking ? Cause if they do i have a nice paddle, just line up and i'll be glad to give ya a whack ! Laughing Now play nice Wink

I'll get in line but only if the paddle has holes in it like the one I came into contact with in the 5th grade.

If you're out there Darcy, my apologies for trying to garner your attention by ripping up your Valentine's cards.


Location: California

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:51 pm   Reply with quote         

A slightly altered quote:
You can please some of the people all the time!
Or you can please all the people some of the time!
You cannot please all the people all the time!!!!!!!

This site has a lot of separate conflicts going on as does society. To expect any place to be perfect or even near perfect is a dream! Life deals you the cards of your life and guess what you are stuck with playing that hand!
But anyone in any situation needs to realized there are others out there that are in worse physical, mental, emotional, or economical, shape!

Hope this gets worked out, and people realize, and appreciate this freedom of expression being exercised here!

Have a good day! Cool


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:51 pm   Reply with quote         


I'm the funny guy around here.

Right? Shocked

RIGHT ! ! ? Confused


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:46 pm   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:

I'm the funny guy around here.

Right? Shocked

RIGHT ! ! ? Confused

here you go Rein

I used to do stuff around here

Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:39 pm   Reply with quote         

First let me say thankyou to everyone for caring enough to leave your opinion.
i understand every one has their own way of dealing with things. I at one time only knew anger. I have learned that there are many more ways to express your thoughts and feelings than through hate or anger.

5 years ago i would not have even written a letter. hell ps would have been the last thing i even considered trying. This web page,i can honestly say has helped me more than any other one resource at my disposal. You see the men who were my brothers ,now have another brother. There will be no letters of correspondance, no letters of support, no hope to see ya soon. Because of guidlines that are ENFORCED, no current member may contact a former member of the team. So i was on my own, left to deal with the anger,the hate,the hurt, and the disgrace of no longer being needed.

I am very thankful for the family i have, it has not been easy for them i'm sure. I am sure at times i take things the wrong way. I am sure at times what i think is a joke, is not so funny to some. Grefix is a good person, i know this by the time and effort he puts into this web site not for him, but to make it a nicer place for all, hug or not . Besides after hugging shaman i would feel like i was cheating Shocked .

I wrote one letter that stayed in my ready bag for over 2 years. (a ready bag is what you have packed at all times, for when the orders come in) or the beeper goes off in the movies.hahaha. i never changed a thing in the letter. I knew that my family may want to here my thoughts before my death, but i was afraid of what i would say in the letter. Scared that what i had seen and been through may come out in the words of the letter.So my first letter from an innocent little man became my only letter. i was ragged about the stained envelope,the brownish tint from gathering dust. It was known as the timesaver. you only get 15 min to be ready, and have a letter to your next of kin. If you don't return breathing the letter went out.i spent 15 min in silence, no prayers, no music,no people. Just me and silence.

ta i do understand that capital letters would help out alot. Hell it may even be nice to have a period or two. I will try to adhere to the normal english guide lines. The shift key is way over there, but i will try to remember its importancein your hurried life. Would'nt want you to slow down because of me. Dont take this as an insult it was not meant to be.

no good skater punk what ge is: glycerol ester.
i was'nt refering to you. you are in no way being singled out. Hell i actually think your a great guy. the ge i was refering to in my comments on your entry was for the cowmilker. your gif and my jpeg had the same idea.thats why i say your like ge. you brought my jpeg to life.

marco said dew was move me with your u.k. love brother.

badcop.....ughhhh.... yeah...... well its hot outside and those cold dead bodys feel so good. Like sliding into a cold quart of ice cream.........see the sickness you made me bring out.....eeeeeewwwwwwweeeeee. Dont worry i get the humor in your comment. understand

annajon thank you for your kind words.

scionshade.....i have seen bad and trust me you ain't it. You are quiet the spreader of joy, besides who could have started such a wonderful little game. Glad to see you have been released from the jon. Hope every thing come out well.

foot fungus dewdew is my alias. i know it is the same as my screen name, but i thought no one would respect me.

dewdew is as many have said, like the morning dew ,mtdew, dew that married lorretta lynn.
IT does not mean doodoo. DOODOO is what i am so tired of.

In a nut shell i am only asking, not telling people to have the respect to not leave hurtful comments or say hurtful things. not because i dont like being hurt. It is only an attempt to explain my self for one and to keep my keyboard in tact for another.Maybe i should ignore the dumbasses all together but i am just trying to get by without making enemies. If that is not a logical solution to some then by all means when you see dewdew in the reply skip it. If this is a problem, then you need more help than i am willing to provide.

hope everyone has a nice day with or with out dew



Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:43 pm   Reply with quote         

I already sayd sorry, how many times do you want me to say that?


tadams wrote:
Bashing? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Evil or Very Mad

How about mashing, as in you mashing my words to fit into your diatribe about letting people be who they are. My comments are not about red hair, black hair and it is most certainly not about personalities. It is about communication, about being heard and understood, and about the need to not jump to conclusions too quickly.

So you can take all those other comments about the laboratory, the nose and boob jobs, and bad breath, and stuff them in your sock.

annajon wrote:
Is the laboratory closed now T Adams or are we going to keep bashing people about here for a while longer - why not let everybody be the way they are and take a little bit of time and efford to try and figure out what was realy meant by what was written down. Look, I punctuated.
Perhaps some people would like the PSC to create special rules for writing in the forums.

Funny - this is all beginning to sound very familiar - like this happened befor, years ago. Perhaps it is just something that comes full circle every now and then.

People are who they are, they can have red hair, black hair - straight or curled hair - they can have white teeth or brown teeth and bad breath, it make sod all difference here on the Web. What we do have is our own personallity.

And personallity is what we desperatly need in this freeking world today, where everything has to be molded after the most dumb stars nose and boobs.

Hands of personal expression in these forums, T. Because expressing yourself is one basic human right that may never ever be toughed again.

There, I have sayd it.


tadams wrote:
Grefix wrote:
dewdew wrote:
I owe grefix an apology,and where ever you are grefix i hope there are no hard feelings.
Smile No hard feelings mate, I'm not offended easily. And btw, never meant to offend you either, if i did, sorry Embarassed
I would insert the hug-smiley but I'm not the hugging type Wink

I never thought it was offensive myself. People here at PSC care about what others have to say. We all mistype or misspell. But, if at the very least one can't capitalize sentences, that person is making it very difficult for others to read. A paragraph here and there helps, too, but it is more important to keep the sentences from running into one another so that the message isn't lost.

Telling us to skip over what was written if we don't like it was the wrong thing to say DewDew, just as it was wrong to assume that you were being attacked. This is the online world. The nuances of speech and emotion do not come across the same. Online, people tend to write quicker and use fewer words, which can come across as being blunt.

I spend a lot of time online reading and commenting/voting/ and participating in some forums at PSC. When I saw your paragraph my head was spinning with confusion. I had to really slow down my reading in order to grasp what was being said. I don't want to do that, especially with someone who has a great sense of humor. It was a small request on Grefix's part that spiraled into you just needing to get some things off your chest.

I should have said something earlier, but I wanted to see how it played out, how Grefix would respond and how the Dew would respond.

Looks like it's going to be a sunny day.


Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:26 pm   Reply with quote         

rein you are the funny guy around here.

martrex.... This site has a lot of separate conflicts going on as does society. To expect any place to be perfect or even near perfect is a dream! Life deals you the cards of your life and guess what you are stuck with playing that hand!

see its people like you who think that change can not happen that keeps this world in such a shamble. I bet when you come across a problem in life and cant change it, you say well thats just the way it is..........well it's that way because you dont want to bother with changeing. Too much trouble in making a differnce. Too hard to try.

If we cant do it with the few folks that come here then i feel sad for you.

If asking to not be belittled is something that you feel is too much trouble because you have a closed mind then so be it.

all bullshit aside, this may not be real life but respect is something we should all be grown enough to understand.

So i will continue to play my hand that life delt me, i have not asked for a new hand,i dont care for more cards,and i never called a misdeal.

lets see you play my hand....i did'nt think so. Narcolepsy may be my delt hand. I have suffered with it all my life. being diagnosed at 30. I will always be elite. i have lead a life some only dream of. i was'nt satisfied with just being a regular person. I have overcome things you would not even attempt. Out of over 150 i was one of 4. I have scored the winning touchdown,i have shot the incredible shot, i have stayed when others were running for the door.So brother dont sit there and tell me to deal with it. That is what i'm trying to do but it's the ones like your self that think change can't happen. That the impossible is not possible. The impossible is what i like doing. When someone says that it can't be done is when i try my hardest. There is no mountain that cant be moved,no sea that cant be crossed and no bridge that cant be build.

hell most mornings when you get up and eat your wheaties i have already accomplished the impossible. Your brain is the greatest muscle in your body. If you think you can't, you wont. when every one told Columbus the earth was flat i'm glad you were not captain. It's the people who did not believe that made a difference, the rest stayed in fucking spain.


Location: East Coast!

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:28 pm   Reply with quote         

dewdew wrote:
foot fungus dewdew is my alias. i know it is the same as my screen name, but i thought no one would respect me.
Raising Brow ???
what I meant was i thought you where the same as another dew person:Dewking

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