mindgraph you are corrupting that childs mind.......good job.

raiser like a tomboy that way she can kick her own boyfriends ass. Thats what i like about you, always thinking ahead.

SCRUFF is cool, well maybe not cool,but sure beats the hell out of shaving.
Lancoma you really do look like a viking princess, now where did i put my viking helmet with the horns. Is croatia a long swim from southcarolina. Dont worry i'm getting the helmet and bowflex out now. OK i'm putting the bowflex back....shit i get tired just staring at it.
Grephix and dot.......ya'll are way too happy together, must be the probes

Dot please be gentle with him

......who else is going to block our spam.mMMMMMMMMMMM spam, the other meat.
Here's me & candyart.. The Black Race hehe..
the black race.....why did'nt someone tell me. hold on i'm streaching my hammys. 1....2.....3......go. YA'll aint black, thats pecan tan

I was born black....but MoMMa hit that clorox truck one morning on the way to school, and well the rest just came out in the wash. HEY being white DEWDEW is not all it is cracked up to be. ON the bright side....it dont stick to your shoe
KITTY.........glad you posted....hold on a min.....PUT YOUR DAMN TOUNGES BACK IN BOYS, and anything else that might be protruding.QUIT POINTING....ok well sorry for that, they dont get out much. easy on the eyes is all i have to say.
Stevster you drunk........ooohhhwait a sober shot.......NA stick with the drunk look. you look too normal to be on here with out the lazy eyes. POOR girl, look spiderman cake......run..... he is gone to get another piece.
blue if ya need a new chop the chopper pic.uuuuggghhh....use aces.

he started all this.