talk about leaving a thread on the up side
just to prove this place has more pros than cons. I came into this thread empty handed with a ,(look im setting up the cam pic) and left with Ms.Sams twin sisters(2). whats bad is the look on my face fit so well.
So Ace heres to ya brother, this has been on week of fun.
JUST an observation, but why do guys post the biggest closeup pics they can find, and girls post shots from the other side of a football field.
Kitty and Dot are exceptions to the rule.
TA you are now on the vote always list......i know its no big deal on your end.
On my end i will now have to look through entrys

. I liked the close your eyes and vote approach so i will have to get yours out first.
Ya'll dont tell jesus (edovan)what i been doing! Momma said jesus already knows and don't need no tattletails helping him out.