Yesterday I had to renew Windows on my computer, things got very compicated in that poor brain of mine. Noticed only because I was working with it every day for the images on PSC. Now, after the operation, it looks like I am thrown back to the dark ages. Nothing is the same. All my favorit settings and things I got used to are gone.
And, one very anoying thing, websites open in the screen, without me being able to scroll through them. I see the whole page from side to side, which leads to very tiny text, in many cases.
The update shield has been pressing me to put 81 updates into my recently emptied windows folders. But after turning on my PSC tools and looking for some much needed website shortcuts for two other sites I have noticed something.
When I restarted with the default Windows, there were 20 tasks in the manager window. Now - after only four hours of trying to make things work again - there are 25 permanent tasks in the manager window.
Windows, in its own seperate partition, has suddenly grown in size as well. The reason why things had gone pareshaped was just that - no room to move - and computer lagging because of too many tasks that start working in the manger as soon as you turn on the computer.
Take for instance the forum on the nice tests, to calibrate your screen.
Well, yesterday, before the brain surgery, I would have been able to read the page with the tests, and probaby look at the different test screens on a level that they made sence. Now, I just stare at the screen, and shake my head.
Even the Windows website, miniature words scribbled from side to side, making for nice straight lines, but their meaning lost to me.
My little machenical brain has gone deaf - its eyes can't here anymore what the world it trying to convey. No, I did not mean listening to music. That still works and as luck would have it, I kept all my music files safe, (but that is a whole other story) although my music player looks like it was made in the sixties.

very retro...

81 updates are needed, the UPDATE shield screems at me since I turned online yesterday evening. And since I have grown weary of the invisible lumps and bumps that the windows partition had gotten in 12 months, growing from just over 3 gigabites to almost 10 gigabites, with about 4 gigabites of growth that would not even show its face anymore, but that used up all the virtual memory as well - I am not very sure about downloading updates.
And there is so much more. I am back to the old music player - I have lost Word totally and can't remember where I got that from (and no, I don't want to use the open source - because that has almost made me loose all my old stuff last year). I turned off my computer, did not even feel like working on an image anymore.
I am lost - feel like I have moved into another house, in another town, in another country, in another part of the world. I am homesick for my old computerbrain, disfunctional, but so perfect to my taste.
My first question to you is - what do I do with all these updates, I threw them away yesterday, when I turned off my computer and went to bed, but now they are back, yelling at me from the sideline, aiming straight for the Windows brain partition, no way they want an other spot then that.
But those invisible growths -

- that made up for the more then 3 gigabites content in the Windows partition that were totally unaccounted for, and then the:


- suggesting to MOVE SOMETHING -

What about that - will I let that back in as well, along side these 81 updates?
Before yesterday I had lots and lots of tasks in the task manager visible. None of them making sence. But rest asured, they were all creeping and crawling throw the Windows partition. How do I know that I don't put that 3 gigabite growth right back in my poor computers brain, when I allow for those 81 updates to poor over it? There is no stopping them moving straight into the Windows part of the computer. How do I know they will not crowd in the door, so the start up takes forever again, like before yesterday?
But the first and foremost thing that I need to get working properly, is the way my computer looks at websites. What have I forgotten, in all the confusion of this throwback to babystage?
Help please?