Here once again with another great thread to spread love to all the little boy's and girl's at PSC.
Now on to the subject:
I don't know if we do or DO not have a thread for SWAP and SHOP. but this is mine.
Basically what happens is when you have a product that could be considered PSC related and you need or want to rid your self of... This is your spot.
IF you have software laying around unused, or maybe that sweet laptop mega prize that may be traded for a couple sticks of gum. Even if ya have a painting or twelve you wanna off load on the gated community. You get the idea.
I dont care if ya have a firebird, and wanna trade for a chevette and 100 dollars. The MOds may have a problem with that...So thats why i say PSC related.
SWAP-SELL-BUY-or-TRADE. That's the deal. No ebay shit. The reason i wanted to start the thread was because i am looking at buying a tablet if everything goes well. I like many am worried about the Internet buying. Even at a secure spot, they can get your info.Encrypted and unbreakable are two entilrely different words.
So instaed of buying something from ebay that may or may not work, i thought maybe someone has a tablet for sale. It's more likely to be a better deal for our community as a whole if we could make it work.The person with stuff he don't want could make a little cash. The person who is buyin would get a product that while maybe used, it really works.
All shipping and recieveing would be handled by the two individuals in the deal. Details can be worked out over PM. That way everyone knows that the things that are traded here, PSC is not responsible for. This is only for our community here. I only wanted to post a place where you may aquire the infomation of goods for sale or trade. No crazy stuff like ebay or anything like that.
If this is something that everyone thinks SUCKS.....well i sorta expected that anyways.

but i like ya all the same. NO MORE.....NO LESS.....THE SAME.