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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Question about colors - Reply to topic

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:27 am   Reply with quote         

Hi! I have Adope Photoshop CS and I have a question. Imagine a pic with a lot of objects with diferent colors. And I choose to emphasize on some of them, which have a comon color. And I want to desaturate all other colors. Can someone tell me how to do that?


Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:42 am   Reply with quote         

How's about a Hue/Saturation layer and reducing the saturation?

Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:23 am   Reply with quote         

select -> color range
apply selection to a mask of a hue/Saturation layer (with saturation set to 0)

afterwards you can edit the mask a bit in case of inconsistencies*

one way to do it..

*woohoow, spelling check said i wrote this correct in the first attempt

I used to do stuff around here

Location: In a world of $#!t

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:34 am   Reply with quote         

Pretty much what Gref said. Use Select/ color range to choose the color you want to enhance. This will make a selection around that color. Then use hue and saturation to enhance that color. Then invert that selection (select/invert),then open channel mixer and check off the monochrome box. (this gives a much nicer result than hue and saturation) After you choose the monochrome box, you can use the sliders to enhance it even more. Wink Good Luck.

I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.

Location: Australia

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:56 am   Reply with quote         

Why not try a sepia tone for the rest....


Location: California & Idaho

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:13 am   Reply with quote         

ReyRey wrote:
Pretty much what Gref said. Use Select/ color range to choose the color you want to enhance. This will make a selection around that color. Then use hue and saturation to enhance that color. Then invert that selection (select/invert),then open channel mixer and check off the monochrome box. (this gives a much nicer result than hue and saturation) After you choose the monochrome box, you can use the sliders to enhance it even more. Wink Good Luck.

They're right and freaking helpful as hell !!!You da Men R� & Grefix.....Can we say Gurus?



Location: Brisbane Australia

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:24 pm   Reply with quote         

Mimsun wrote:
Hi! I have Adope Photoshop CS and I have a question. Imagine a pic with a lot of objects with diferent colors. And I choose to emphasize on some of them, which have a comon color. And I want to desaturate all other colors. Can someone tell me how to do that?

Use the CS Channel Mixer as an Adjustment layer. Click the RGB composite channel and make sure all channels are visible.

Notice which channel holds all the detail. (usually GREEN).

Use the Channel Mixer: Select Layer> New>Adjustment Layer.

Note: The Channel Mixer allows you to modify a colour channel by combining percentages of available colour channels. In the dialogue box, select the channel with the most detail in it as the source. (Usually the Green one). Check 'Monochrome'.

BTW: Although the image appears to change to 'grayscale', the channel mixer adjustment layer is merely hiding the colour that can be brought back later with a mask. Tricky eh!

Customising the conversion:
In the dialogue box, use the sliders to adjust how much of each of the channels will contribute to the new custom grayscale conversion. This where you have to play around to achieve the balanced grayscale to suit your image. When you've finished click OK.

Revealing the colours in isolated area/s:
The Channel Mixer Adjustment Layer is applied to the entire image by default, but can be masked out of areas by painting in it's mask with 'Black'. From the toolbox select the 'paintbrush and choose black as the foreground colour. From the Brushes Palette select a medium sized brush with a soft edge. Begin painting in the adjustment layer's mask to reveal the colour information from the layer below. Aha! Get the picture now!
BTW: If you make a mistake and clip too much away just change the foreground colour back to 'white' and paint over unwanted areas to hide the colour.

To lessen the Channel Mixer adjustment layer's effect and reveal varying degrees of colour to the background. In the Layers palette, drag the opacity slider down. SHAZAM! As the opacity is decreased, the colour from the original shows through like magic. Now that's the Power-Users Control of colour manipulation.

Have fun with those sliders, you'll never go back to simple grading ever again, not when you've done seamless colour retouching like this. Yahooooooooo!

Regards Wiz

Very Happy

PS! Sorry if there's any Typo's I'm too lazy to use spellchech;-)


Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:45 pm   Reply with quote         

You people INSIST on making things DIFFICULT! Print it black and white.....get a crayon!

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:12 am   Reply with quote         

ScionShade wrote:
You people INSIST on making things DIFFICULT! Print it black and white.....get a crayon!

bleh, i would need to get a crayon for that...

now that's difficult!

I used to do stuff around here

Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:14 am   Reply with quote         


HAJHAHhahahahhhhh.............. ok , who could save such an awkward moment?

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:14 am   Reply with quote         



Location: VeniceFlaUS

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:17 am   Reply with quote         

Dang, now I want an exact Crayola Crayon color palette plug-in for my PS,
and maybe a couple tweaked brushes for crayoning, plus a special layer mode for crayoning.


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:10 am   Reply with quote         

Perhaps this SPELLBINDING Wink thread would have something that would help you in your quest for Color Supremacy!?

(I'm just trying to help MindGraph out here, as his thread is threatened with GOING OFF THE PAGE with absuFuckinglutely ZERO posts. Wink Wink etc. I know how it feels to be TOTALLY ignored and feel UNAPPRECIATED. In fact it can feel HORRIBLE to spend time making a forum thread and putting thought into what you want to share with your friends and then NO ONE EVEN ACKNOWLEDGES YOUR EXISTENCE!!!! JEEEEZ, I HATE that! So I really think MG would appreciate even some sarcastic remarks or manly teasing on his thread. In fact I KNOW he'd appreciate it. Anything, other than this cold heartless empty shunning that he is currenty feeling over there on his so so BARREN thread. Thanks. Thanks for caring. Now click that fuckin link!!!! - yours truly, ReinMan)


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