"I'd sit out in my old Planters chair on the Porch with my last bottle of Le Esprit de Courvoisier Cognac, and my last Romeo & Juliet Cigar and watch the neighbour's go crazy... On second thoughts, better make that TWO bottles, and the whole F**king box of cigars. After all there's still 60 minutes to kill!
BTW: Back in 1962, when we had only a 'FOUR MINUTE' warning of total annihilation. It was 1.Definately screw Amanda (The Creative Directors Blonde PA) on the boardroom table... 2.Get stuck into the Agency's Drinks Cabinet Courvoisier! (two balloon glasses of course)
Ha,ha,ha, I was a lot faster back then, in pre Viagra days! LOL!
This is the way the World ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper (The Hollow Men) TS Elliot.
Well at least TRY to go out with a Bang!
