Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Why I critique - Reply to topic
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Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:37 pm Reply with quote
Recently a member, who's work I highly value, sent me a light-hearted PM asking: "What's up with the critiques? are you ever satisfied?" This person goes on to say that "PSC is only for fun and practice."
I firmly believe there aren't enough critiques. Many are afraid of losing votes if they provide any feedback suggesting the entry has room for improvement or doesn't really appeal to them. Not me. I'm not going to hold back because I need your vote. If you're really into "..." then you're at the wrong site and you're at the right site. If you're just goofing around, then why should someone's critique bother you? If you're here to practice, then how do you know you're getting better? Just because someone suggests your work could be improved through cropping, better colors, better composition, doesn't mean they're right, nor should it cause you to ignore the work of the person doing the critiquing.
I would like to share with you my response to this individual who wrote back to say "You're right, it's not all fun and games at PSC, I have learned a lot too! I'm glad some people look at the work and see what really has been done." :
I would have to partially disagree with your assessment: "PSC is only for fun and practice." It is also about the competition, winning and basking in the limelight for a day, and it is about becoming inspired and inspiring others. It is much, much more. Just ask around.
My critiques are not about satisfying me. They are about presenting an honest opinion of how I see it, which doesn't mean I'm right nor wrong. It is all subjective as you very well know. I am not going to rubber stamp something just because people are here for fun and practice. I've learned from the critiques of others and of my own work. And my critiques have helped people as well as pissed them off. But I'm not going to change. I'm here to help people whether PSC is the equivalent of writing on a cocktail napkin to them or they seek to improve. I have fun, give critiques, provide praise, but most importantly I give them my time. I actually look at the work, not in passing, but actually look at what they are trying to present. If someone doesn't like the critique they can stand up for themselves and tell me they disagree. Sadly, some just ignore the critique and then choose not to comment or vote on my work. It doesn't matter to me. I push on. I've learned a lot from others here at PSC and it has helped me tremendously in how I approach my work.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
That is how I operate and will continue to do so. My eyes and brain cells are here to give you a single and different perspective. Take what you like, take nothing at all, give something back, but don't be silent.
Location: Rochester, New York
Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:47 pm Reply with quote
I agree with you 100%.
I look forward to all critiques, be it my entries or someone elses. I learn from them.
Yes I do have fun on this site, but what is important to me is to find satisfaction in my own work. Without critiques that would be difficult.
Thanks for sharing Tracy,
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:52 pm Reply with quote
We definitely need more of you tadams. Well said. I have mentioned in the past and will say it again that I will take critique over a vote any day. Very important to hear if I'm going in the right or wrong direction and as you mentioned I can see someones comment as right or wrong to me. I would say that best thing about some criticism is that you see your image from another angle.
This is one of my posts that was modified throughout the contest by peoples suggestions and it is probably the best time I had with a contest here. Some of the comments won't be valid on it because I made the modification but you get the idea.
Thanks for posting.
Location: Norway
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:02 pm Reply with quote
I am all new to this site and I love feedback. And all kind of feedback. And tadams are doing a good job evaluating the work others does. One can only learn from our mistakes.
And to be honest for me it is more about learning, and building myself a portfolio rather than the winning. The competition are a bonus and makes it fun. And of course I appriciate it when someone likes what one have spent hours working on, and gives a vote. Or feedback what could have been better. If I don't change it during the competition I will still have it mind when making new images.
I am selv a bit afraid of giving critique since I am still trying to figure out how things are on this site, what style people likes and what level it is.
I say: Keep on giving all kinds of feedback tadams 
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:08 pm Reply with quote
I don't say anything because I don't want to be seen as a no-it-all." which I don't !" But I will agree that comments good or bad should be given. I also like being given pointers on how to improve...Hint, hint
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:12 pm Reply with quote
Tracy's right.. feedback is welcome..
If you're not on a Mac, you're wasting your time..
Location: layers palette
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:14 pm Reply with quote
the problem with those who criticize is that they fail to apply the same principle on their own images..
_________________ Alt
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:18 pm Reply with quote
Maybe you could have a "have at it button" on your work that means it is freely submitted for serious critiques and then perhaps even the best of all in helping things along is hiding the vote count so people have to really look at the art but that's a whole other topic.
I like your critiques sometimes I am fed up with the thing and just can't do anymore to it or not able to technically do the suggestion but please continue to tell me what needs fixing! 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Tadams, your critiques are nearly ALWAYS included with your vote. There's the distinction. You are stating you appreciate their work but some things could be better.
95% of the time, I agree with you.
Jen...i doubt we need more buttons. A simple, "Feel free to offer help" in the author's notes is sufficient.
Location: Someday I'll be home for good.
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:33 pm Reply with quote
You know Tracy that I always appreciate your comments in all my works and I thank you for having time to notice and give suggestions for improvement. You remember when I was very new here the time when I posted something that against the rule? I really learned from that and I'm happy that I'm now really trying to do the best out of me. Since you did not name the member who PMed you ( I think it's better not to) and you always criticize my work then I want to inform others that it's not me  pardon my poor english!
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:40 pm Reply with quote
I have fun, give critiques, provide praise, but most importantly I give them my time. I actually look at the work, not in passing, but actually look at what they are trying to present.
Hell yeah, i like it.
Dude you can critique my work all you want. Ughhh you Rey2, Wiz, Micose, Marco, Hein well o.k. everyone can. I love the comments. Besides thats the fun part of this whole site. I have a search engine, and can work a computer so finding something to chop would be easy. Getting great advise from someone who actually knows the art, PRICELESS.
Then on top of that big bowl of icecream, you get to bullshit with some of the coolest MF'ers on the planet. CHERRIES baby CHERRIES.
Anyone can learn anything they set their mind to. It's just a matter of how bad they want it. The learning curve is what makes and/or breaks most people from reaching their goals. Try anything you want, does'nt matter what it is. The less you actually know, the better. Just See how that learning curve becomes more like a right angle. It is almost impossible to acheive anything you don't know, without some kind of guidance. The person who has someone that can guide them and say Hey, if you do this or that it's easier, better, faster, whatever. The curve becomes less which in return helps you reach your goal. CHERRIES baby, dang it pay attention.
SO help me OBIE-WON, ugggggggghhhh------hugggghhhhhhhh the force is strong in this one. PUUUUUUUUuuuuTTTtttEE.....the force is less now.....maybe just gas, not the force.....ohhh well. 
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:46 pm Reply with quote
Oldage wrote: the problem with those who criticize is that they fail to apply the same principle on their own images..
That's exactly why I wrote "I firmly believe there aren't enough critiques." It goes both ways. The true test is when someone provides feedback, and how a person responds. Do they update the work? Do they disagree? Are they out of time and energy? Just because someone fails to see something in their own artwork doesn't dismiss the criticism of your work. My work is here for you and anyone else who cares to take the time to review it. I update my work constantly because of what I see and because of the valuable feedback people provide. The only real failure that occurs is when someone shuts down because of the feedback and avoids the person giving the critique.
Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:48 pm Reply with quote
this place is so messed up sometimes..last time there was a thread here about someone asking to give more critique instead of just voting and then now people who do give critique get pm's because they give too much critique... 
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:51 pm Reply with quote
abraham wrote: ( I think it's better not to) and you always criticize my work then I want to inform others that it's not me  pardon my poor english!
You left off the part about how I also praise your work.
I will continue to critique your work and slobber it with goodwill; especially now that you've raised your game to a new level. 
Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:59 pm Reply with quote
Critique away, I say.
I'm less bound to make to same mistake twice, if it's called out in front of everybody.
As long as it's not vengeful, which TAdams is not, in my limited experience.
Sweat the small stuff. The simplest detail can make or break the power of an image.
Thanks in advance for all constructive criticisms.
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