A couple of weeks ago in the comps I watched (what I considered) some very ordinary chops do very well in the voting. 47 odd votes or something like that. There was some fairly poor edgework in C & P, no shadows where there should have been, light coming from different directions on different objects and so on...
So how does one then pop in and criticise something after 47 others have voted for it? Why would anyone want feedback if they're getting 40-50 votes for average quality stuff? It's confused the hell out of me.
I wonder if people really are looking critically at entries anymore?
The feedback thing is all about education. The chopper learns something from it......and if it's public....other viewers/voters also learn stuff.
There really should be more of it......but how it's handled is the big question. I've sent 3 pms in recent weeks with some advice on chops. 1 was replied to....and nil were edited. If voting continues on its current path then I think there is little incentive to actually improve.
I'm just really thankful to guys like Rey, Marco, Btvs and others for the feedback I've had...
"Ha ha ha a little better shading and shadowing would have made the tv look more realistic but still a good job. (even a little noise and a white layer set to 30% opacity would help the screen"
"the perspective is just all over the place on this, but i'll throw you a very funny idea vote"
"this is a great idea BB, I think if the nails had better definition, this would have done a lot better"
"I really like the transformation, but the leaf blur is a problem. It should be clear atleast where the grasshopper is. Correct this, and the chop will be much better, IMO."
"in my opinion get rid of the spaceship Brad, its interupting a really good entry"
"shadows don't match, one is slightly soft, one is crisper"
"very nice though masks seem to float slightly...another darker shadow closer to masks would ground it better"
"maybe the location of the car could be a shade to the right and up to overlap the building and give the image more overall depth"
"maybe my eyes are fooling me, but i see color mismatches here and there on the body"
"Nice! I think the motion effect is good, but the shadow of it has to be dark like it is on the top but getting lighter to the bottom."
I could post thousands of these......and they were all greatly appreciated!
Though here's one that did ruffle my feathers a little..
"Good Idea, but enlarge this image and even U would not like it"
and Anfa's response "I like it! centurius is a DICK!
