a lot of smude is a understatement

You know i was trying what Bob was doing.......he sorta smudges his stuff. O.K. gentlely, but ever so gently layers his stuff. Damn good though at what he did. Making it look easy is the hard part.
I like the whole light coming through the trees feel.

now you see why i don't leave helpful comments. I dont have any.
Looks a whole lot (WHOLE LOT)

better when your mellowed out like Bob.....Marley or Ross

....Ughhh hughhhhh.....it did to me anyways. Still would like to hear more from others, and thanks for looking

P.S......i think some of the tofu fund got uhmmmm.....USED.

Dont worry maybe i can squander more before NOV.
LOL at pad....you know thats some good stuff.
TY Dot.....they were BOB's idea......well i am not sure if thats palo blue, or sierra mixed with a touch of titanium white......ahhhhh heck thats what color i thought he said. They should name them in ps that way instead of #f00336 that means nothing to me. I know its the 1-255 value for the color,but that still dont help. DANG IT, crayola dont have blue f00336
Somebody go get Micose and REGGIE they may need a good laugh.

look out boys It's paint with DEWDEW time. NOT to be confused with the type of finger painting you done in the CRIB