Martrex i am suprised at you you relize the damage it would to to Oscar's rep if he was seen at a library.
Just kidding Oscar, try to bundle your internet with something you really need, like cable, phone, that way you will be able to ask your parents for the money.

unless you had parents like mine.....i sure wish i knew thier new address
I did see a TATERCHIP can turned into a 25 mile radius wifi on the hackaday site.
Also since your work has internet....why not go into your router, modem properties, and have it set up to recieve your works network. YOU know like the network you use to get all your email and post at the office. Sign on the network just like at work. I used my wifes (NUVOX)all the time when i first started staying home.
The difference between poor and broke ass is. Poor is what i have been my whole life.......Broke ass is what i have been since getting married. My wife does'nt seem to be broke ass.....just stin-jee