WhimSea wrote:
I think what Marco was saying was 'thanks for the challenge... the race was more fun than I've had in a long time' and I think what Dew is saying is "can someone please go pickup my order at the pharmacy?'
Thank god someone got it

Now lets get a pill or ten down right fast....AHHH better
Just incase someone took my post as a i hate post......ugh what's hate.

I was just saying congrats.....in a long drawn out blah, blah, blah kinda way.

I'm never growing up.......YA"LL cant make me

.......Besides It's too close to Christmas to be talking nonsense like that.

Keep it up you buncha meanies......Santa is watching.

or was that satan.......ohh well just keep it up......you'll see

when ya get that bag full of burning brimstone.