i REALLY hate to admit this......but........the idea of the 3 dew's was after i looked at splodge's site. He has a lot of CLONE pics, from members and a nice site. We should do a clone day here. oooooohhhh no wait lets all send in our full body shots as references, then we can chop all us together at the bar, at the fair....in the mall......in the ring....... O.K. i'll shut up now.......and i still hate splodge

He is the member i love to hate.....you know like J.R. Ewing.....except with longer hair....and that stern look.
i know Marty.....it's like DEW hell

and send me the pans on that jazzy......i'll flame them bad boys out for ya with some Ghosties
Damn MIcose ......did you not just shave about 2 months ago...........you may be part Bear

...you talented Werewolf........and Gran......you crazy bongo banger....or without the o in bong-o.

.........you starting to look like a cast away from suvivor island........you and micose going to stop being so grungy.....where the hell is DP he can show you how to shave.

he's always clean cut......damn it this is the service........HOLY COW.......must be a flash back from service........pretty nice

.....ooooooohhhhh i never did shut up did i.......hmmmmmm