As most of you know, I was diagnosed with Leukemia back around March. People at this site were very supportive and kind and caring. Today, Mikey sent me a PM asking how I was so I figured I would copy what I sent to him and post it here. This goes to all of you.
Things are going well. I had another bone marrow test done to see how the meds are working. When I was first tested the results said that 100% of my bone marrow cells were abnormal. The latest test results said that only 0.05% of my cells were abnormal. So I am a little better than 99% cancer free.

I will still have to take the meds (Chemotherapy in a pill) for the rest of my life. I will have to deal with all the side effects and the stress of knowing that my body could start rejecting the meds somewhere down the road but for now I am happy. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I'm going to make the best of my time with my Wife and children. I'm going to keep riding my motorcycle and Choppin' till I die. ( Not for a long time) (Crosses fingers)
All other questions should be sent to my Head of Security. (Reiman)
Thanks ya'll

Ok that's enough soft shit!