ReinMan wrote:
zycon97 wrote:
*runs away crying*
Once you have experienced a REASONABLE amount of SHAME you may return and HUMBLY BEG OUR FORGIVENESS.
Then, after a time (or, in DewDew's case A FEW TIMES) all of this HIDEOUS SOCIAL MESS-UP will be forgotten, you'll win a few contests, you'll make friends and win MORE contests, someone will piss you off, you'll quit for a while, you'll come back and realize that you don't really know WHY you keep coming back, you'll turn to Scientology and move to Idaho or Surrey, B.C.
See? We aren't THAT hard to get along with!

Win contest and make friends?........

..........i dont know anything about that
but, i can vouch for the Shame and hideous social mess up.

6th place is the closest i have ever come to winning.....HATERS

.....and the FRIEND thing.

.......that's just rein lying again

.....he takes alot of meds.

....we like him that way.
ZYCON97..... The part about someone will piss you off is completley TRUE.........and before i do

i would like to say I"M SORRY in advance
REYREY........i dont know what your doing different for the last week, but man you have got some funny shit going on these threads. Good to see ya back ragging everyone.......and taking request........Next time you decide to start your crazy thread post,... could you at least warn a brother........i mean it's no fun trying to type through plastic, but it sure beats blowing coffee all over the keyboard and screen. I feel like BlueLurker...........going through 100 layers trying to erase that one dot......only to find its something on the screen.