annajon wrote:
Groovy stuff, Plugins and Leftovers,
and to the Leftovers, please, put the lyrics online? The text is too good to not be known properly!!!
And for our poor drugged Gordunk (sorry MB

) if there is anybody out there with the right stuff to make these little films, maybe you can advise us on how to edit? Because Naiko's artwork and creepy voice deserve a good video ending.
Here ya go!
Yes, yes, y'all – I don’t chop
But I be writen these lyrics steada photoshop
I let the PSC’ers do the chopping, cause I don’t want to shock’em and show dem up with my choppin
Well I'm the GOR-DONK - I got something to prove
Pay attention - my intention is to shock the crew
I live in the tire forest, and Imma mascot for many.
Plenty of foes and Friends to the plenty
Come explore this place in Utah in my creator’s head
My friends do all the choppin’
The haters keep a stoppin’ by to critize my threads.
I'm Gor-donk. - I make the ladies go wild
With a list of girlie gordonk numbers I keep upon my side.
I’m a swinger at best, I’ve been here a while.
And I can’t even rest with all these ladies on my ride….
made by Mike – E, Climb trees hairy knees and surf the web with sean.
And everyone manipulates me like I’m there own personal pawn
To discover such a lover furry and cuddable.
Hours spent watching discovery net hoping they don’t get notice or wind of me.
I have made movies in the mist with Llamas thanks to spoldge
You get my gist I’m not a pet cuz I can explore from my garage.
self entitled flicks featuring nobody else but me,… the big G
I’ve rapped
I’ve tapped
Balarina and acted a fool
All this done by PSC my fans are really cool.
I love King Kong, and hate Nancy Beach
I'm chillin on myspace showing off my peeps, step up and buy a T or even a plush of me, better yet if we haven’t met just be a friend to me
My best friend is called Zombie, he’s running for president, No one will ever stop me or my tire friends
All the PSC members think I’m so fly they visit me frequently on the space that is mine
I have a three dimensional body featuring a gorillas physique,
Donkey’s head grayish fur and a smirk that is Unique.
I walk around naked, nope I don’t wear nothin,
And all my friends they don’t have problems fitting me in something
Thanks to woodie oh goody I’ve been on the cover of a National magazine.
And Geographically tactically my body the ladies fiend
ballet by Sassy, very classy and by carl I was painted Green.
And all these things I could never imagine in my wildest dreams.
Damn that Mr. MG who took off my head with a saw.
I never did anything not a thing ever did I wrong
I’ve also been hung in a rear view mirror in some guy’s sliver’s car.
Also done as barney and now I’m mentally scarred
I’d like to finish this up with Happy love to my peeps,
Not mad love cuz it gives me the creeps..
Peace out neighbors friends , world and foes
As I’ll be coming to your city soon just kickin with my shows.