I'm uploading the brush right now.
This is a good oppurtunity for me to mention something to folks about brushes.
A good brush, even one that is seemingly simple can be a tremendously large file, and having a lot of brushes you don't use loading with PS can be a resource robbing burden, and for many, one they haven't realized.
This brush I am about to link is over 15 megs.
Loading all your favorite brushes can use up a great deal of ram and slow you down. I bet there are dozens of folks here that have a slow running
system when PS is running, and they could end that now.
When you grab this brush, don't even load it into PS. DL it to your desktop, and click on it...
the brush will open up for use in PS. I keep a file of my most important brushes, and click away at them as I need them..it's not inconvenient at all.
Ok...it's finished uploading let me grab you the URL.
yeah--I write that sloppy anyway