Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Contests and Entries - PSC Awards 2007 - Reply to topic
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Location: London, UK
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:00 am Reply with quote
As some of you may know, I started keeping track of the wins at PSC in Jan 2004 (FOUR whole years ago now!) originally just for personal interest, but it has become something of a mini-project  so although I'm not able to spend much time here these days, I thought I'd try and keep up my 'tradition' and return to post the figures for the "best of" entries of the past year *. Congrats to all the continuing PSC 'veterans', and to the new rising stars too!
So, ladeez and gennulmen, the winners for 2007 are:
1st - marcoballistic = 53 (14.48% of 2007 contests.)
Over FIFTY wins in a year? Amazing. Marco also achieved FOUR consecutive wins in April ( here, here, here and here) - the first time that's ever happened, AFAIK. (Incidentally, that last win was off the first accepted image I'd ever submitted for a contest... so I hope yer grateful, Marco! lol)
2nd - anfa = 22 (6.01% of 2007 contests)
3rd - Granulated = 18 (4.92% of 2007 contests)
MOST VOTES (for a win in a contest)
1st - For No One in Playing by ReyRey = 91
2nd - Life Can Pass You By... in Fountain Geyser by marcoballistic = 83
3rd - Rock Star (GIF) in Abandoned Star by abraham = 82
FEWEST VOTES (for a win in a contest)
1st - Black Wasp in Fuzzy Little Guy by mikey = 32
2nd - Dark Barn in Feeding Time by dabdi56 = 33
3rd - Smoking is Glamorous in Twenty-Six by Heinlein = 34
HIGHEST % OF VOTES (for a win in a contest)
1st - At Night...We Come Alive in West Kensington Station by marcoballistic = 11.15%
(Another one of my sources... hah!)
2nd - Rock Star GIF in Abandoned Star by abraham = 9.60%
3rd - A Day at the Races in Full View by anfa = 9.42%
LOWEST % OF VOTES (for a win in a contest)
1st - U control nothing Man! in CG Sphere by Micose = 3.90%
2nd - Barcode City in Barcode by mikey = 3.95%
3rd - Paper Airforce (GIF) in White by edovan = 4.08%
MOST ENTRIES (in a contest)
1st - White = 103
2nd - Japanese Window = 97
=3rd - Barcode = 91
=3rd - Wooden Box = 91
FEWEST ENTRIES (in a contest)
=1st - Merry-go-Round = 28
=1st - Cart = 28
=3rd - West Kensington Station = 29
=3rd - Ship Deck Dancing = 29
MOST VOTES CAST (in a contest)
1st - Fountain Geyser = 1595
2nd - Beach Racquets = 1498
3rd - Barcode = 1493
FEWEST VOTES CAST (in a contest)
1st - Ship Deck Dancing = 474
2nd - Merry-go-Round = 512
3rd - Mailbox = 571
There are a few stats I don't know, but Proc might be willing/able to give out, for example:
Most votes given by a PSCer in 2007: ???
Most votes gained by a PSCer in 2007: ??? (I'd make a wild guess at maybe um... marco? lol)
Also, it would be interesting to know what sort of traffic the site had through the year...
Finally - PSC saw it's 2000th contest image in 2007 - back in February for Covered Bridge.
Ok, that's all. Hope you all have a great 2008 and keep having fun at this crazy place we call...
For those wanting to see previous stats, check out the PSC Awards 2006
and PSC Awards 2005 pages that are still mouldering away in the archives! PSC Awards 2004 seems to have died (probably in one of the several forum restores/revamps we've had since then) but I still have the figures if anyone cares...
*= Obviously, any stats here are not as authoritative as those from Procyon himself (some contest winners may occasionally later be ruled NOT to have won for various reasons, for example). I tried to adjust for those kind of changes, but there may be some errors/omissions, so don't yell at me if you spot a mistake
Also, these figures are "unofficial" and not intended to indicate preference or to elevate any of the entries or members listed here above any others in any way as regards quality or effort. They are purely a reflection of the categories listed, during the previous year.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: Australia
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:06 am Reply with quote
Sweet work mate, nice to see ya friendly avatar, would love to see ya chop again. I think we need to arrange a re-union contest very soon.
Thanks for all ya hard work mate and dont be a stranger lot of us still chat and don't chop so drop in for a chat mate 
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:30 am Reply with quote
all though i don't know you... as i wasn't around back then, im a newbe and love it here. i learn alot and the people here are great
i have to say that this list you got shows devotion to the site and is very cool of you to have made it. so in a ways thanks and nice to meet you
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:01 am Reply with quote
DUDE.....what about least votes by a PSC member...HUH????....DO YOU KNOW how hard i worked on that STAT for six month's.......ohhhh and most FORUM POST by someone who don't KNOW SHIT......I gotta have that one in the BAG.....COME ON.....nice job other that those two. 
Location: Brazil
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:34 am Reply with quote
1st - marcoballistic = 53 (14.48% of 2007 contests.)
Over FIFTY wins in a year? Amazing. Marco also achieved FOUR consecutive wins in April (here, here, here and here) - the first time that's ever happened, AFAIK. (Incidentally, that last win was off the first accepted image I'd ever submitted for a contest... so I hope yer grateful, Marco! lol)
2nd - anfa = 22 (6.01% of 2007 contests)
3rd - Granulated = 18 (4.92% of 2007 contests)
Aham... may I HTUK? Itīs obvious that a guy that posts 365 chops a years will have more victories than one that posts 50 some...
I took the time to check these 3 brits, and see how they did according the ammount of entries they posted in the year.
1st Granulated: posted 81 entries, and won 18 (22,22% of win over his own entries)
2nd anfa: posted 96 entries and won 20 (20,83% of win over his own entries)
3rd marcoballistic: posted 268 entries and won 53 (19,97% of win over his own entries)
of course these stats would bring to top people who posted 1 image and won the contest.... but just to show how math can be tricky... quantity, doesnīt necessarily means quality.
my 2 cents.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Rochester, New York
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:54 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: MOST WINS
1st - marcoballistic = 53 (14.48% of 2007 contests.)
Over FIFTY wins in a year? Amazing. Marco also achieved FOUR consecutive wins in April (here, here, here and here) - the first time that's ever happened, AFAIK. (Incidentally, that last win was off the first accepted image I'd ever submitted for a contest... so I hope yer grateful, Marco! lol)
2nd - anfa = 22 (6.01% of 2007 contests)
3rd - Granulated = 18 (4.92% of 2007 contests)
Aham... may I HTUK? Itīs obvious that a guy that posts 365 chops a years will have more victories than one that posts 50 some...
I took the time to check these 3 brits, and see how they did according the ammount of entries they posted in the year.
1st Granulated: posted 81 entries, and won 18 (22,22% of win over his own entries)
2nd anfa: posted 96 entries and won 20 (20,83% of win over his own entries)
3rd marcoballistic: posted 268 entries and won 53 (19,97% of win over his own entries)
of course these stats would bring to top people who posted 1 image and won the contest.... but just to show how math can be tricky... quantity, doesnīt necessarily means quality.
my 2 cents.
This is interesting. I am not very good at Math, but I only entered 43 contests and won 4. What percentage of wins over my own entries would this be. Just curious 
Location: Brazil
Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Heinlein wrote: This is interesting. I am not very good at Math, but I only entered 43 contests and won 4. What percentage of wins over my own entries would this be. Just curious 
The math is simple... get yer number of wins times 100 and divide by the number of entries you posted.
Heinlen gets a 9.3% win this year;
I posted 10 entries and won 1 contest... 10% win.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:45 pm Reply with quote be exact  .....3 entries less it would have been 10....unless one of the last 3 was a which case....i'll have to take off my shoes......that way i can count by 20 piggys at a time.
HANDTOOL said this was a mini-project......  ......hey, that's some serious wok for a stop this's making my ears smoke....hard to see to type. :oops:caugh...caugh
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:34 pm Reply with quote
Lots of work, needs more attention.... 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:11 pm Reply with quote
woo hoo I love stats, number , number yay
great job HT, as always, and Arc, nice re-working of the stats to show true values, that makes it much tighter, nice one 
vunt van pumununt
Location: the netherlands
Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:51 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: MOST WINS
1st - marcoballistic = 53 (14.48% of 2007 contests.)
Over FIFTY wins in a year? Amazing. Marco also achieved FOUR consecutive wins in April (here, here, here and here) - the first time that's ever happened, AFAIK. (Incidentally, that last win was off the first accepted image I'd ever submitted for a contest... so I hope yer grateful, Marco! lol)
2nd - anfa = 22 (6.01% of 2007 contests)
3rd - Granulated = 18 (4.92% of 2007 contests)
Aham... may I HTUK? Itīs obvious that a guy that posts 365 chops a years will have more victories than one that posts 50 some...
I took the time to check these 3 brits, and see how they did according the ammount of entries they posted in the year.
1st Granulated: posted 81 entries, and won 18 (22,22% of win over his own entries)
2nd anfa: posted 96 entries and won 20 (20,83% of win over his own entries)
3rd marcoballistic: posted 268 entries and won 53 (19,97% of win over his own entries)
of course these stats would bring to top people who posted 1 image and won the contest.... but just to show how math can be tricky... quantity, doesnīt necessarily means quality.
my 2 cents.
5/14*100 = 35.7%  and if more people would have voted for me it would have been even higher
grats to the greats mentioned above!
_________________ "This is a really cool quote"
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