Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Let's get all togehther on facebook :) - Reply to topic
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Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:16 am Reply with quote
Janfet wrote: Well....I don't know many people yet...but if you want to add full name is Jan Fetherstonhaugh. With a name like that, i'm pretty easy to find ! 
tu parles francais?
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:18 am Reply with quote
Micose wrote: MindGraph wrote: lancoma wrote: is anyone member there (except Micose  )?
Micose is so desperate for people to like him he's all over the internet
thatsn the funniest thing i haveheard:lol:  hahahahahah! no way!...u guys must confuse me with SLIVER...(i should def spend muich time on internet to get friends).....anyway im registered overthere too.......checked out all the people from Greece today, didnt noticed not greek, im not geek, im a freak and im sick...huh??? LETS ALL go overthere bwahahhahahahhaha....
iBe back in 1 hour to continue this talking, the tobacco shop is gonna close 
You HATE me don't you? 
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:30 am Reply with quote
hmm Facebook does not allow much in the way of adding layouts. I have an account there and to add a background I had to submit to their own image dept called Expressions and then they take your own design and give it to the public with no credit given to you as the designer. For that I am a bit not so happy with Facebook. I understand that the owner wants the site to remain standardized in the looks dept but that is the very reason so many drift to MySpace is because they can't do much to alter the way the site appears. I have an alias name and fairly new to it but I am under JDSnow which is sorta close to my real name. Feel free to add me if you want! I kinda think in a way that Deviant might be better for us.
I agree to a point with Blue Lurker about PSC but what would really be terrific is giving each member some bandwidth space to house stuff besides their own portfolio.... You know just some art you did that you did not enter into a contest of it was too late to enter into a contest..... or heck a blog space lol...... cause I KNOW THEY don't like to hear much from us on the forums if we aren't relevant. Been there on that point. 
Location: Croatia, Varazdin
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:34 pm Reply with quote
podgorski wrote: mason4300 wrote: Facebook sucks, sorry. We should form a group on DeviantArt though; there are already several PSC members there, and it's a little more based toward what we do here. 
Now that sounds more like it 
_________________ Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.
Location: Croatia, Varazdin
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:36 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.
Location: Croatia, Varazdin
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:37 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:43 pm Reply with quote
Sliver wrote: Micose wrote: MindGraph wrote: lancoma wrote: is anyone member there (except Micose  )?
Micose is so desperate for people to like him he's all over the internet
thatsn the funniest thing i haveheard:lol:  hahahahahah! no way!...u guys must confuse me with SLIVER...(i should def spend muich time on internet to get friends).....anyway im registered overthere too.......checked out all the people from Greece today, didnt noticed not greek, im not geek, im a freak and im sick...huh??? LETS ALL go overthere bwahahhahahahhaha....
iBe back in 1 hour to continue this talking, the tobacco shop is gonna close 
You HATE me don't you? 
what are u sayin bro? is it because i <rote "geek" after "greek" ...its just bad rhymes  attempt at being sarcastic n/or funny....
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:46 pm Reply with quote
Sliver wrote:
You HATE me don't you? 
...mmm..;now that u say it.... YES...i hate u!!!  (...u got Litsa....) 
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:51 pm Reply with quote the BLUE ONE.....nice box by the way  .......WARNING.......Stay out CHAT.......unless you like Drama......because that's whats there.
This site is what we make it.....i'm not saying i am a great asset to the site.....but everyone is so uptight and down right rude...WHY????....what good can come from it?.......who does it help?....we could all be better people. Why have TWO seperate social levels........WE are all part of this site........If one person has a new technique........we should all learn it.......there should not be ONE micose......there should be a site of them.(Sorry Micose...Your work stands you make a good example  ).......there should not be BAD shadow' jagged edge's...........I understand some paid for thier Knowledge.......and some are just learning....i am also aware that everyone does not want to master MICOSE style.....but we are all here together. We spend way too much time talking about ANON.....votes....mines better....nah-nah-nah.... bullshit. Having Difference's is what makes us ARTISTIC.....we see things Different. If we would just stop....and help....instead of passing by ....looking.......we could fix this Flat .........GD........we on the internet HWY..........YA'll wanna get run OVER......OR throw them FLARE's.
No chance!.....Just the old and the new.....killing the site TOGETHER.
OHHHH....and NO facebook.....they got BUTT book??? 
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:07 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: the BLUE ONE.....nice box by the way  .......WARNING.......Stay out CHAT.......unless you like Drama......because that's whats there.
This site is what we make it.....i'm not saying i am a great asset to the site.....but everyone is so uptight and down right rude...WHY????....what good can come from it?.......who does it help?....we could all be better people. Why have TWO seperate social levels........WE are all part of this site........If one person has a new technique........we should all learn it.......there should not be ONE micose......there should be a site of them.(Sorry Micose...Your work stands you make a good example  ).......there should not be BAD shadow' jagged edge's...........I understand some paid for thier Knowledge.......and some are just learning....i am also aware that everyone does not want to master MICOSE style.....but we are all here together. We spend way too much time talking about ANON.....votes....mines better....nah-nah-nah.... bullshit. Having Difference's is what makes us ARTISTIC.....we see things Different. If we would just stop....and help....instead of passing by ....looking.......we could fix this Flat .........GD........we on the internet HWY..........YA'll wanna get run OVER......OR throw them FLARE's.
No chance!.....Just the old and the new.....killing the site TOGETHER.
OHHHH....and NO facebook.....they got BUTT book??? 
unfortunatly i haven't been cloned yet DewD... 
Location: Croatia, Varazdin
Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:18 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:41 pm Reply with quote
DEW...what do you want to learn? Ask! If someone doesn't know, they'll point you in the right direction. If you don't understand, they'll try to knock it down for you. But ...YOU'VE GOTTA ASK.
Lancoma, I believe what you're trying to do is get people more involved in something...good intentions. But I hardly have time enough to make a decent image let alone play on Facebook.
So I'll just STFUAC.
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:43 pm Reply with quote
TALENT.......well thats the reason i have not cloned you......hell even if i could start one of Your style ....i would'nt know if i was finished????....that's what i like the most....the mystery....i could almost tell ya how you felt that shows  That is a good means you feel comes from within  ....
all the older group have great styles and talent...... i'm not saying COPY anyone.  ....but to be able to learn from someone that KNOWS. Either your not advantage....or your a newbie......or you don't do it for a living....or i been doing it longer.....There should be a place where we could all see the way it was created..PSD Files..step by step's...and then helped along as we learn.'s all about the contest......The contest is where we should show our new learned skills, not some daily I WON....BOO_HOO...i did'nt. EVERYDAY.....i SWEAR......EVERYDAY......i here.....well that's been talked about a thousand times......EVER WONDER WHY?.....I bet alot is because instead of changing.....we just start tugging......jerking that rope.....IF anyone would bother to look up......BOTH ENDS....are tied to that 500 year old WHITE OAK......but hey....TUG ON....i got til 2011....if it last .
EDIT:......O.k. can have the box next.......hold on......chhhhhheeeeeeezzzzzz  I wanna learn how to kiss you like you wanna be can feel it........that ain't gas baby.....IT's DEWDEW........ooohh yeah....TELL ME DAMMIT.....TELL ME NOW. 
Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:40 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: I got an idea...lets form a group here at PSC and we could call yeah hows that sound.
Come on guys this place rocks, it's got all you want in life and ya know it...lets keep PSC for PSC start using chat here and creating good forum posts about photoshop work and PSC related stuff, before we start going else where to meet up and comunicate.
This place use to be jumping with ideas and tutes and help posts...lets get it back to that and better. The contests are great the people are great all we need now is the fun and learning back into PSC.
OK soap box rant over, let slip the dogs and have at me 

_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Croatia
Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:41 pm Reply with quote
lancoma wrote: on topic: why do you people here hate all other sites? it's just for fun, dont take it so bad
or finally do something to imrpove this site so well all be happy 
I personally dont hate any site, its just that i dont have the time to bite and be bitten by evil facebook vampires 
hzgvbzl v ,.,.gfdh.hdl,msdfh.,spš66s,.r6,žw6šsl
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