mason4300 wrote:
yup, I've seen that. It looked so good I made one myself. Kind of tricky to get the layered parts cooked without overcooking the rest of it, but it is delicious.
actually, after studying that photo a little closer, I think he microwaved the bacon; it has that look to, it looks like it's on one of those microwave trays. It would be much easier than frying the damn thing, that's for sure. Didn't notice the first time I saw it as I was running down the stairs to make one two seconds after it had popped up on my screen.
You've seen this and yet you didn't share this concept with me!
I don't think it was nuked. That, to me, looks like a broiler pan and the bacon was probably cooked in the oven/broiler. That'd get it crispy.
janetdog wrote:
Yeah, That looks great but, I'm pretty sure handling that much raw pork isn't a good thing. Besides, Wouldn't all that bacon curl up into a hockey puck when nuked?
Handling that much raw pork wouldn't be a problem if you washed your hands after doing the weaving and before handling anything else. Plus pork is much safer these days than it was a few decades ago. It's no more dangerous than handling chicken, fish, or beef.
As far as the bacon puck Anna's right. You can see some toothpicks at strategic places in the weave.
It's a "plait" of bacon!
(what too cerebral of a joke?)

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey