That whale tale is hilarious. I can't do the butterfly and that's Cody's specialty. Maybe if I had the tail I could finally do it?
Oh and to Dew we called him Lex right after we first shaved his head.

Told him he should shave off his eyebrows too. So many people thought he was going through chemo it was frightening. Thing is that he had MAJOR kidney surgery when he was little. He almost died on us.

BUT he's better now.
As for the logo they, much to my chagrin, didn't use ANY of the PSC logos for the shirts. They went with a straight forward silhouette of the freestyle stroke. Looked like a stock swim logo to me. If I get a chance I'll take a pic of the shirt and post it. They still look good. Black t-shirts with the swimmer in white and the lettering in red.
The neat thing about winning the Lumberjack Relay is that the event was hosted by a school that's normally a powerhouse swimming school. The guys have, for years, always looked at Wausau as being the better team. Now maybe they'll start to believe in themselves more and realize they can compete if they just work hard.
Thanks again for letting me brag. Next will be my daughter and volleyball.
A couple people pointed me to a better pic in the online edition of the paper.
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey