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Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:35 am Reply with quote
you have a long long way before you can win here, and i'm not talking about your popularity rating.
anyway, just like in rl, where would you go without friends? you'd stay home, all alone.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:28 am Reply with quote
First off, Marx... You come back just to flame everyone again?
back to you JC.
JClark8220 wrote: Thank you. His is not perfect, neither is mine, but so similar, still no one can explain the voting around here. And voting for someone else just as a favor, I don't think that's right. I vote for a job well done. I don't vote for the silly construction-paper cut and paste jobs, that's not photochopping. I don't vote for anything negative or anything outrageous gory done with bad taste.
I didn't say his was perfect either. Just cleaner  Look. You wanted to know why...
Heres how I vote.
When I see more than one or two clean up jobs, or more than one or two of the same theme I normally only vote on the best. (or what I like more) Sorry.
There are still 2 days left in the contest, and I normally go through them all again. If you do some of what I and others suggested and Update you should get more votes.
Since I didn't enter this contest, you can't accuse me of friendly voting. Regardless if NGSP sent me 20 dollars via paypal last week or not (thanks bud!)  just kidding. Hell I haven't entered in over a month. So thats just not the case with me. In fact its kinda nice knowing, when I vote I'm really voting just because I like something, not hoping that you'll vote for me in return BS. I don't like that either. I want votes that I deserve... not votes as a hand out.
The only way I'll def vote for anyone here is if you pay me to. Otherwise, I vote for what I like. And I do go big on each and every single entry. I feel its only fair that I view everyones entry the same... I know some here only view by thumbnail or by looking for whos who. Its a shame. But it is a reality. I'm sorry if I came down hard on you with my critique. But you asked, he didn't. (and really not that it should be an excuse, but I've got some issues with the wife, and she needs to get tested tomorrow. I just hope its not the big C.) I digress.
I think the same people win each and every contest because of something some around here call the X-factor. It's not cause they vote whore, or have a bunch of friends. It's because they go that extra mile. And it shows. Yes most everyone here can chop, but can you kick it up another notch? It took me forever to figure that one out. My best advice... Chop what you like, how you like. Most importantly, HAVE FUN! This IS a learning site. (just go back and view my port for evidence of that)  So chop.. then walk away, then come back and view it fresh and ask yourself... What can I add to this that will really 'wow' them? You'll be on the fast track to top 10 and eventually you'll win one. It also wouldn't hurt to go through the past winners page, to see what makes people go "wow".
I hope that helps you out.
Please don't give up. And again, I'm more than happy to help, if it isn't an anon contest. I'd be willing to preview an entry you may have questions about as I'm sure there are many others here that will do the same. Just PM me.
Location: Ohio
Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:30 am Reply with quote
Just get msn, AOL or any messaging software, and add as many of these folks as possible. (the bigger the names the better)
Then ask them all for opinions on your image. If you are not too annoying, and listen to feedback..
Most will vote for you. You will also get a wealth of information from the other members.
Eventually you will get enough feedback, and improve as a chopper as a whole, (over a good number of contests)
Although it would be "cheating" at first.
You also have to realize that 50% + of winning is putting out the image style people want to see (color pallet, z-axis, Gif, humor).
Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:15 am Reply with quote
do as I do,
I guarantuee you won't get friendly votes nor will you be accused of friendly voting!
(it's a clever system, though it has its downsides, if you want to know how, just ask)
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: India, mumbai.
Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:35 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: do as I do,
I guarantuee you won't get friendly votes nor will you be accused of friendly voting!
(it's a clever system, though it has its downsides, if you want to know how, just ask)
Was that for Julie...then also tell me... 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:56 am Reply with quote
 yeah ass kissing does go a lot farther than pissing and moaning.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:50 pm Reply with quote
JClark8220 wrote: OK, I have a question about voting. I just looked at the contest "Defaced Shop", and I was the third entry. However, when you sort it out by Votes, Nogoodsk8rpunk was first, with like over 15 votes.
why did he get way more votes than my entry?
Nothing personal against Nogoodskr8punk, I'm just wondering/curious as to why such a large gap in our votes since our entries are sooooo similar?
I work just as hard or harder than others (I have a lot more time than most, since I don't have a job) yet, I've never even come close to winning anything here.
Long story edited sown to...
Why do I suck at getting votes?
"I could have said Baaawww why I has no votes."
And been a dick...
But that seemed to sum it up nicely
In regards to TheShaman; One mans flaming is another persons valid point. That entire first post basically can be summerized as: Why do I suck at getting votes. (See above)
Uni's going pretty well Marco. The reading is supprisingly relaxing, but more importantly it's the learning about the contextual analysis (why people put the things they do in; adverts, movies, animations, websites and stuff.)
Plus this time its more about the practical than the written work!!! somthing awsome like 75% practical based and a distinction is 70%
So I am like...

Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:10 pm Reply with quote
you're the only one I know who types more than me
you gonna just talk all day or are you gonna chop again?
good ya see ya back marx. 
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:22 pm Reply with quote
[quote="JClark8220"] Paul Von Stetina wrote: I guess no one mentioned that its considered vote whoring to talk about your chop while the contest is active, we'll let you off the hook this time, but next time the PSC Pimps will have to come down there and smack the beotches, don't worry about the votes right now, or ever, just worry about doing a good job.
Oh, sorry, I should have waited. I wasn't thinking. It won't happen. Ever again. I'll just enter my pics and continue to have fun.
Julie, we've all been here, I think I entered like 10 chops before I got more than 3 votes, now I'm up to 6 or 7,  and now people quit when they hear I'm gonna enter, the pressure is just too much for them...that's right, you know who you are...  what?
Location: The United Kingdom!
Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:59 pm Reply with quote
Good ta see ya too TheShaman.
Give it some time got a minor internets problem...
Substitute minor with major lack of...
And also change problem to ", which has been for nearly 4 months"
Round a mates on ma bros lappy.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:27 pm Reply with quote
Man Marx, been how ya, as in doin? net not as in happnin for months mine too, you are relatin now in the this thread, for real time as in now it is...

Location: Northern California
Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:41 pm Reply with quote
Suck at getting votes, GENIUS.
*must add to list of thing I suck on.
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