Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - mac vs pc - Reply to topic
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Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:07 am Reply with quote
hey guys, well im saving up for a laptop and we all know the ancient battle between mac and pc, but i was wondering if it is true that macs are better for graphics, in what ways makes this true? and do you really think it makes that much of a difference. ill probably stick with a pc just because of the cost lol but doesnt hurt to know.
Location: Northern California
Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:09 am Reply with quote
mac + bootcamp + xp pro = sexy
Location: The Sticks
Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:58 am Reply with quote
Macs used to be better for graphics back in 1995. Only because photoshop and quark only worked on the ppc platform. Now windows machines run photoshop faster than macs for less. Unless you want a $3000 machine. Then mac and PC are equal. If you want a $1500 machine definitely get a pc. Mac laptops are for people who care more about how they look in the coffee shop than how useful their laptop is. Also get xp. Vista is too fat for most laptops.
Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:54 am Reply with quote
It all boils down to personal preference...
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:35 am Reply with quote
I won't comment on what's best.....
Seriously this topic has been around before if someone can find the link on it but it's like alot are get more for the money if you buy a pc BUT why would anyone want a PC since Vista came out. You get alot more reliability imo on a mac and anyone I've known who is a pc user and see's my mac laptop (which by the way has never seen the inside of a coffee shop  ) always wants to get one. Worth it for the lack of viruses alone....I ran no outside anti virus software on mine for 5 years and then finally put it on and scanned it and there was nothing on it so I dumped it. Here are some of the features you get with a mac and the bottom line is what Grefix said....personal preference
good luck deciding
Location: In a world of $#!t
Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:59 am Reply with quote
Most Pros use Macs.
They are much more user friendly. You don't have to be a tech guru to understand them or fix them. They come with all kinds of useful software for making movies, organizing photos, a multi-track recording system for recording your bands music.(garage band), Dvd creating software. a slick operating system which Vista tried to copy. (unsuccessfully) Macs don't get viruses. To uninstall a program you just throw it in the garbage. You don't have to restart your computer every time you install something. It's very difficult to accidently throw away a file that makes your computer run. Anti-virus doesn't slow you're system down to a crawl. Every Joe-Blow company makes PCs. Only Apple makes Macs. You never know what your going to get with a PC. (Ask Anfa how his ACER laptop is doing?) That's my 2 cents.
I've worked with both for many years. Macs rock!!
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:02 am Reply with quote
Macs have better color management for printing. I'm considering a Mac Pro... someday when I have $$$.
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:28 am Reply with quote
let me get one myth out of this world:
Reyrey wrote: Macs don't get viruses.
Sorry to say, but Mac can get viruses. The difference is that the probability you get infected on a Mac is severely lower then with a Windows-pc. (if I'm not mistaken there are about 60-70 known mac viruses. Windows scores bigger tough as there are over 100.000 ).
Worth noting too is the user base from Mac is lower then the one from Windows, so the potential damage a virus can cause is less interesting for those pesky virus creators.
But fact is fact, mac being 100% virus proof is a myth.
Anyway... please continue...
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:32 am Reply with quote
Good point. Macs are much less vulnerable to viruses, not in small part due to the fact that PCs make better targets. I think, in hackerworld, it's cooler to attack the big corporate giant than the cooler underdog, but macs are by no means immune.
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: Beyond the fringe
Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:04 am Reply with quote
I just bought a Macbook Pro this past weekend and severely glad I did. The ease of use and overal friendliness of the operating system is a huge plus. I will say however that functionally a pc at the same price will out perform a mac, this is mainly due to the fact that there are hundreds of pc clone companies who all compete for business so the price gets driven down, while mac is solely apple. Of course the virus issue is also a plus for me. I'll take 60-70 viruses over 100,000+ any day. But any pc savvy owner can eliminate viruses pretty easily. Oh yeah, I'm not sure about this, but I've heard that spyware isn't an issue for mac users.
Location: The Sticks
Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:13 am Reply with quote
Update: absolutely don't get the new macbook air. That thing has the specs of a $600 laptop and it costs nearly as much as a mbp. It is a failure waiting to happen.
I have used macs since 1995 and owned many up until 2007. Their overarching flaw is their product lineup. Mac absolutely needs a product that sits in the middle between the pro machines and the consumer products. They need a $1500 tower with core2 processors, slots for 4 gigs of ram, a fast hard drive and a pcie card that you can upgrade. What they have is a macbook on a stand called an imac. Believe me, no pro should use those things. An $800 Dell from Walmart will eat its lunch. And as far as Leopard goes, it has quite a few bugs. Check out the apple forums. They are great.
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:19 am Reply with quote
Couldn't agree more, mookie. It sems you should be able to get a mac with color management and all the artistic bells & whistles that doesn't cost 3 grand. I mean, the only one they even have at the store is the one running their wall for adverts. Obviously the pro is designed for pros, not casual users. But most pros can't even spring for a $3k computer. There are definate advantages, but the imac is a joke - mine can't even handle photoshop without going into convulsions. So here I am looking to spend 3 grand ona computer that doesn't even come with a bloody monitor.

_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: Brisbane Australia
Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:46 am Reply with quote
"If you need to ask that question, then you deserve a PC.
MAC drivers don't need to!"
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