alright my first.. second place finish........i would like to thank the fellow barnacle new friend Cafn8d...(she has the best emotiocons).....Splodge...(not sure why, Ps done all the work

)...Blue.....the midgets......the minions.......thor.......oden.....hagar the horrible.......EVE..( i know you want to scrub my texture

).....uughhhhhhh.. ANFA....yeah....don't forget Anfa...the medical dictonary.......and thank you MISS ZOLTERS....where ever you are.
ANNA...i dont know how BC beat you out.......i swear....i voted for your dog entry....(

i think they cheating)
AND LAST but NOT LEAST......congrats to BC.....who at the very last moment stole all my GLORY.. just wait.....i'm watching tuts.....looking at psd next year...i'll have all this filtered.. layered.. masked...cropped shit down.....o.k. maybe the year after that...but when i do...BWAhahahahahahahhahaahahaahaahahha...burp.....hahhaahahahah. YOU WILL ALL SEE.