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Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:37 pm Reply with quote
Damn....after about 4 weeks...these things have become addictive.
So that's how the pen tool works.  ......shit i only been using about $15 dollars worth.
Maybe next week he will show how to tranform her wedding photo......into the "man gravey" belching, pregnant, whore she is now....
From the eBay page:
Q: Does your wife come with the ring?
A: My wife never came at all.
 ......i don't think the man gravey was the problem.....too bad i was'nt his neighbor 
Location: California
Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:05 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: Damn....after about 4 weeks...these things have become addictive.
So that's how the pen tool works.  ......shit i only been using about $15 dollars worth.
Maybe next week he will show how to tranform her wedding photo......into the "man gravey" belching, pregnant, whore she is now....
From the eBay page:
Q: Does your wife come with the ring?
A: My wife never came at all.
 ......i don't think the man gravey was the problem.....too bad i was'nt his neighbor 
No you are probably lucky you weren't the neighbor. I heard there is a vd epidemic around that area. The only common factor is the same blonde girl seen at all the bars. Before the breakout. They have nicknamed her the VD Virgin, because she seems to claim to everyone that she is a virgin!
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:41 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the warning Marty, but at 35.....i know there is no such thing as i would have known she was lying.....beside's....i roll with a magnum......i think i may have run into her though.......she said...oohhhhh ai'nt that stuff which i told her's just full. 
Location: California
Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:21 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: Thanks for the warning Marty, but at 35.....i know there is no such thing as i would have known she was lying.....beside's....i roll with a magnum......i think i may have run into her though.......she said...oohhhhh ai'nt that stuff which i told her's just full. 
But after that photo of you with the girl on the bar and you with your nose I just couldn't be sure! 
Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:02 pm Reply with quote
It works!!!
I watched the tutorial and then I tried to get an object out of the background like he said it = it worked!! Now I hope I won't forget it again....
Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:05 pm Reply with quote
I wrote a tutorial on how to become a millionnaire in a handsnap.soon to sell for about a million
Location: Yorkshire,
Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:37 pm Reply with quote
ignor the guy, eraser tool with a soft edge, dropshadow brush, gives a much better organic finish
Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:02 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: ignor the guy, eraser tool with a soft edge, dropshadow brush, gives a much better organic finish
Not when you need the sharp edges..... 
Location: Yorkshire,
Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:17 pm Reply with quote
find me an organic/natural photo with such sharp edges, the pen tool has no place in PSC, you have to feather the edges, why bother?
oh yea, feathering, that's another $50 worth of photoshop
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:29 pm Reply with quote
Quote: find me an organic/natural photo with such sharp edges,
Natural, organic.......ughhhhh.......High times has some real nice "Natural Organic photos.....for some reason i have to wear a bib when veiwing them...damn drool 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:29 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: ignor the guy, eraser tool with a soft edge, dropshadow brush, gives a much better organic finish
why not use both?
really I use the pen tool to get rid of 99% of what I don't want then use the eraser / blur tool to finish it off 
Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:17 am Reply with quote
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:33 am Reply with quote
not as disturbing as stuffing a cat in a bag
and look we learned something too.
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