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Location: Australia
Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:41 pm Reply with quote
anfa wrote:
What you were takin the piss...I want my vote back...oh hang on I didnt vote in that contest...well I still want my vote back...I thought it was real...
Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:36 am Reply with quote
Wah. you never see a thread like this when George Bush is mocked. suck it up. And I know that since I said that, you'll all automatically assume I'm some frothing-at-the-mouth Bush lover, which I am not. It's just an amazingly good example, and I am 100% correct in what I said. there would be far, far fewer people complaining, if any, and there most likely wouldn't even be a thread about it. Anyhow, can't believe so many of you are taking it so seriously, and actually bashing people personally on their opinions in this thread, and threatening others. I'm almost ashamed to know some of you, considering how rude you're all being to each other. not funny rude, but fuck you, I'm right, you're wrong rude that causes people to never talk to each other again. Makes me nauseous knowing you're all the people that currently have control over the world.  Adults, indeed...
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:26 am Reply with quote
badcop wrote: Defending this with the "freedom of expression" excuse just doesn't hold water.
I doubt you'd defend someone's artistic expression in the form of child pornography.
And I could think of 20 other creative "expressions" right now that would have you screaming for the mods.
Because in reality, you don't support true freedom of expression - and rightfully so.
You support freedom of expression on your own terms.
And in this case, your terms are ok with the display of swastikas and nazi imagery.
so true
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:43 am Reply with quote
The one main factor o this I am sure, is the Swastikas being present. It seems to be a very taboo piece of symbolism, and we all know why.
Anfa pointed out an entry he came second with. Nobody had a problem with that mainly I am guessing because the majority here are white, developed world living, healthy, middle eastern scared of kinda guys and gals. Thus any imagery of said middle eastern referances that are to amuse, we find solace in and indeed in turn find funny.
This may not be right, but I bet you thats the reason why we see this subject the way we seem to be seeing it.
Badcop has fantastic points on what is actually allowed in modern society through artistic means. He is without doubt hitting the nail squarely on the head.
Does a Swastika offend me, in certain context yes it does. An example being in the city centre nearest to me, a BNP (British National Party) piece of grafitti has 'kill all the jews' with a huge swastika emblazened with those words. This in referance to the many polish, lithuanian and other eastern european workers and immergrants that have come into the UK in recent years.
THat offends me a great deal, and also embarress me as an Englishman.
The use in the said entry, doesn't really offend me, mainly because I belive it was not meant to offend, I enjoy laughing at Hilary Clintons slap happy attempt to run for presidency, and basically, the image means absolutely nothing if it was all taken into account. Hmmmm multi coloured fluffy men, with Mrs C apparently being hitler, ok then, watch out for that world. Things are about to get fluffier
Me personally, I get offended by intent to offend and lack of knowledge and understanding towards that it is to offend. It just boils down to ignorance and laziness.
Blue, soapbox is in the post bud 
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:36 am Reply with quote
It is still a symbol of good fortune in India... just had to add that -
BUT... although I thoroughly understand why someone like Micose or anyone else who has voiced discomfort / nausea over the use of the symbol, the guy who used it was using it to represent the concept of evil. I mean, if ever a symbol was made to represent evil, I think the swastika does so. It's not like he then said "Yay swastika, vote for Hilary." He was using a well-known symbol of evil to suggest that Hilary is, well, evil. Again, I disagree with the sentiment, but I don't think it was meant to offend. At best, the image could serve to make people ask "Why would this person equate Hilary with the Nazis," and then force them to look into her record and really learn about her positions. It probably wouldn't result in them saying "Oh, yeah, Hilary is a Nazi," but it would get a bit of knowledge into their heads, right? You Europeans don't get how hard that is for Americans! (LOL)
Well... maybe Splodge gets it, since he ran into the moron with a backwards swastika on his head... 
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:27 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote:
thats means it is in reverse, which means anti nazi, maybe thats what he meant  sounds like a clever sort of guy
Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:08 am Reply with quote
the guy was a bone head/skinhead, always fighting, i've not seen him around since the late 70's prolly in jail
Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:24 pm Reply with quote
mason4300 wrote: Wah. you never see a thread like this when George Bush is mocked. suck it up. And I know that since I said that, you'll all automatically assume I'm some frothing-at-the-mouth Bush lover, which I am not. It's just an amazingly good example, and I am 100% correct in what I said. there would be far, far fewer people complaining, if any, and there most likely wouldn't even be a thread about it. Anyhow, can't believe so many of you are taking it so seriously, and actually bashing people personally on their opinions in this thread, and threatening others. I'm almost ashamed to know some of you, considering how rude you're all being to each other. not funny rude, but fuck you, I'm right, you're wrong rude that causes people to never talk to each other again. Makes me nauseous knowing you're all the people that currently have control over the world.  Adults, indeed...
Dude, where are you getting all this drama from?
It's basically just me, and people disagreeing with me.
That's nothing new for this site.
This has been pretty civil and certainly nobody is "threatening" anyone.
Read what you wrote again, it's a crazy overreaction.
I think you've misinterpreted my reasoning here so let me explain myself and be done with it.
The reason this is wrong has nothing to do with who is being compared to a nazi - Hillary, Bush, or the boss who you think is evil. These aren't the people who truly find this hurtful.
Tell me, if it was an image of Hillary Clinton standing next to a burning cross...would Hillary be the only one offended?
To paint someone who you think has done immoral things with the same brush as Hitler works both ways - It exaggerates one side while downplaying the other.
And in the case of the swastika, it serves to chisel away at the truly vile symbolism until it simply becomes associated with anything that is bad.
Victims of that symbol want to keep it and the memory in tact.
Does that make sense?
Anyway, this isn't a cause that I'm fighting for and I'm not losing sleep over it. Just having a conversation.
Site Moderator
Location: connecticut
Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:12 pm Reply with quote
ive seen a paintin of george w bush with a hilter stash and swastika in a PUBLIC art gallery. case closed.. so is this thread.
L@rue: I'm eating a bag of bbq chips and drink a cocacola
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