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Maliciously Delicious
Location: The Deathsert
Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:46 pm Reply with quote
Well I was curious on everyones views on entry's that are mainly an external image with the source blended in, perhaps even nicely blended. I do not like to do this but I have seen some people do so. Thoughts?
Magic Matt
Location: New York, NY
Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Although ideas may be solid and worth a few votes, I believe solid entries need to show not only great external image integration, but extensive use of the source. Chopping a small piece of the source into a large external image just doesn't do it for me.
Location: Sydney
Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:24 pm Reply with quote
for me if the supplied source isn't used in a significant or clever way, i won't vote for it. if the supplied source makes up a small part of the image and the rest of the chop looks great, i'm not sure whether to vote cos i don't know if the rest of the chop was actually chopped, or merely imported as one external
that's why i like to see what externals were used if any
Location: Northern California
Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:04 pm Reply with quote
Marco doesn't need sources... he goes out and set everything up and then takes pictures.
Location: UnitedStates
Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:28 am Reply with quote
Magic Matt wrote: ...Chopping a small piece of the source into a large external image just doesn't do it for me.
dumbat wrote: for me if the supplied source isn't used in a significant or clever way, i won't vote for it. if the supplied source makes up a small part of the image and the rest of the chop looks great, i'm not sure whether to vote cos i don't know if the rest of the chop was actually chopped, or merely imported as one external
that's why i like to see what externals were used if any
I agree with both of you. You may notice something that is just fantastic, like a poster or such, and while you can see externals dumped into someone's online photo album (like photobucket), they're not allowing you to find out where they got the images...
There are entries that just look so fantastic and then you take a look at the rest of that person's PSC portfolio and things just don't add up. You find very few images of that same ability - that makes me wonder if they didn't just take someone else's art and implant the source somewhere.
we all say this is learning site, well I like to see just how much work you did (by seeing the externals) and how you used them, what you did with the source and if very little of it can be seen, I'm afraid I'll just go onto another entry I like better.
Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:42 am Reply with quote
I prefer the main source image to be the majority of a chop. I really don't like chops that cut a portion of the source less than 50% and stick it in another external image, even if it's a really good blending job. There are, of course, always exceptions, but generally I don't like that style of chopping. Only way I'll vote for one is if it is extremely clever, really funny or just plain brilliant work.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:49 am Reply with quote
Some ideas need externals, others dont. Both results can be genious or crap, so whats up to discuss? Some of us always try to declare their own style as the only right, we had this a lot of times already, and nothing came out.
Location: East Coast!
Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:51 am Reply with quote
Oscar wrote: Marco doesn't need sources... he goes out and set everything up and then takes pictures.
yeah, and he still can't get his perspective right 
Magic Matt
Location: New York, NY
Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:19 am Reply with quote
yello_piggy wrote: Some ideas need externals, others dont. Both results can be genious or crap, so whats up to discuss? Some of us always try to declare their own style as the only right, we had this a lot of times already, and nothing came out.
The question isn't whether or not an external image should be used. Of Course some ideas need external images. The question is asking for thoughts on the ratio of external to source, and how people on this site feel about limited source use. MD was not declaring his style as the right one, nor was anyone posting on this thread. I think MD is trying to gather opinions so he can improve his contest standings. Do you think a entry can win just on idea or theme votes? The point of this contest to manipulate a source picture. I've noticed when a composition lacked source use, but the idea and integration is excellent, the entry still received moderate votes. I think voters on this site appreciate source use and there are a few posts backing up this opinion. For the new people on this site, I think this thread is very helpful. If you are sick of the thread topic, don't respond.
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:15 pm Reply with quote
why are people always crying for limits, I dont understand... there is a free vote-market, everybody is free to vote or not, this game here is a combination of written and unwritten rules, and it is working for several years already. All-sourcers get more votes, popular people get more votes, many old-timers just vote for each other, and so on. PSC is alive in kind of weird way, but it is. feel free to discuss, but dont try to press creativity into tighter limits. thank you.
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:22 pm Reply with quote
yello_piggy wrote: Some ideas need externals, others dont. Both results can be genious or crap
well said.
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:33 pm Reply with quote
Didn't you two just join PSC?
There's dozens of threads about this subject in the FORUM. Or is someone's image using an external getting more votes than yours?
Take a look at through the GALLERIES. They'll show you what makes a good image.
Quote: If you are sick of the thread topic, don't respond.
Great attitude for a noob.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:35 pm Reply with quote
Another newbie trying to fix what ain't broke..
I'll indulge though....
{my opinion} If you're going to use externals or use a large portion of an external, I think its only fair to show or list them in your notes. That way the viewing public can judge for themselves what (if anything) you did in the use of your entry. But if you're just taking a small part of an external to use for your chop, I don't feel its necessary in all cases to list that. I just really hate seeing really awesome artwork, that someone just stole from Google and integrated a very tiny portion of PSC's source into... but most times you can just tell. {/opinion}
I also agree with Piggy though. This place has been running for years. Vote for what you like, they are your votes. Please don't try to put more limits on our creativity. But also don't just steal someone else's creativity w/o giving credit where credit is due
My recessed 2¢
Magic Matt
Location: New York, NY
Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:49 pm Reply with quote
[/quote]Great attitude for a noob.[/quote]
I agree, I should not have this attitude and I apologize. I agree with Piggy. There should not be a limit on activity. I guess I am just trying to figure out how this puppy works and I don't mean to press limits. I respect what each and all of you contribute.
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