I would love to see her kicked into the Pit of Death...like on the new MEET the SPARTANS movie.......It's weird how K-fed is seen as the "GOOD" parent.

GEZZZZUSSS.......them kids don't have a snowball's chance in hell...OOHHHH and she's British now...from time to time anyway's......from redneck to British.....hell maybe acting would have worked better for Mrs.Stupid....she makes Jessica Simpson look smart.

and that ain't easy.
And don't forget, that sweet
innocent Jamie Lynn.....i mean...

. she did'nt mean to get pregnant....but at 16...she's happy, and they are picking out colors for the nursery....

..They would be picking my foot out some punks ASS....And her's....i think there should be a court order to SPAY AND NEUTER....any SPEARS that is in that family tree....before it's too late.
The only good thing from all the bullshit....is that K-Fed trying to rap only showed the world just how good Vanilla ICE was.
You know......i have got to start getting away from my wife more.....i know way too much about Brit the idiot.