bigbuck wrote:
Scrumpy wrote:
bigbuck wrote:
Hmmm. This was a thoughtful one.....
Perspective is way off, shadows are off, the "floating" match should have sparks on it if it is indeed being scratched on the flint, and good use of the 10 pixels you used from the source pic. (Yeah right.)
on this entry

Such a wonderful human being

I think there are plenty of ways to offer polite and friendly constructive criticism. But to me, that comment was simply nasty and narky. Someone needs to have a good close look at their own portfolio before posting comments like that!
First of all, could we please ignore this JCLark8220 person from now on, and if shehe gets to jump through hoops even more then could we create a MEMBERSBOARD of wize people, who have a say in IP banning people untill they proof they can be proper members of our club, meaning they at least show the guts to tell stuff like written above in the comment clip IN PERSON in a PM directly send to the person it was meant for, rather then this meaningless public display of discontempt for another artists view????
Second: Thank you very much for pointing me in the direction of that image where the comment was made. I like it. I like the way it is totally off perspective. I actually like paintings by well sold painters that create stuff like that as well. There is NO RULE IN ART that says that all things have to be in TOTAl PERSPECTIVE, because if that were the case ESHER would never have sold one print of his work in his lifetime and we would not know about him today!!!!!
This aside now.
The .... as a title of this topic does not work anymore, after somebody else who took it over!!! So, people will get confused. Having no title is directly in line with the questions at the top.
But... Why ask people a question, if you are not at least inviting them to do so at the top of your forum????
Now, on topic (...) NO WE DON'T NEED ONE SPECIAL DAY FOR NICETEEES, we need to be nice every day, even when we are saying lots of bad things to people. So, my vote was the (...).
Did the forum goers agree on special colours for special moods yet.... What is the colour for being baffled? What is the colour for being fed up?
I would much rather see a button at the disposal of the CREATOR of the image we leave our comments on. Allowing the creator of the comment to make the choice to show the (rude or nice) remarks in public, or keep hidden. This will disallow people like JClark8220 the satisfaction of a good kick in the groin of somebody who they feel inferiour to, and will allow us to move on, without having to go over that bump in the road each and every competition shehe graces us with hishers presents.
By the way, can we please have an identification system on PSC that will allow people to see if a secondairy account here on PSC is in fact voting or commenting on a primairy acount by the same person? I am not saying that I know there are people who do stuff like that, or who would even have the time and energy to pull something like that off, although it would be very easy to do.
Why I ask that?
Because I feel sometimes that I am being MTV'ed (chopped, railroaded, bamboozled, what was the name of that programme that made you look totally like a fool and then they would spring it on you that you had been had, haha....) by people in the forum. It is so easy to create an account and start a forum!!! Why else do we have spam... It should be totally impossible for somebody to create an account and write on a forum. Like it is impossible to vote just by creating an account. This should go hand in hand. If you want to say something in the forum, just use the PM to respond to what your read, when you are not participating in any activity on the site.
And don't say ... but new people don't know who to ask for help or anything... rubish. New people can look at the bottom of the pages (some of the pages) to see who is online and they can click on any of those names to PM them.
There. My book on niceties.
To sum up, for those who have a short memory:
AKA references on secondairy accounts please.
IP bans on sedondairy accounts used for commenting and voting on entries, just like you are not allowed to vote for your own entries.
Try to ignore commentmakers like JC... ehh, what was that name again.... (whatever) so they don't get off on sticking it to us again (excuse my profainity)
And a MAKE COMMENTS PUBLIC button under my entries, so I can have the choice to get yet another tiresome discussion about a person like whatsitsname going here on the forum.
Geezzzzz the ENERGY I have to put in this could have gone into a good chop.
Next time... Please use a WORD for a title so I won't get directed to the wrong forum again, OK????