i know you would help me Shaman.

....you have helped me before with some space planet stuff

and i like the mentoring part, it is a good idea..... I have had help from a great many here...some..... even i did not expect. ....my biggest problem is figuring out what is wrong.....it's funny how your able to look at someone else's and pick out the flaws..but while doing your own, you really don't see the flaws. I just hate to post a entry and 130 veiws and you get 6 votes and no one will tell you what the problem is..i don't want the other 124 votes...just some input....REY actually suggested i try for better externals, if i do use them...and i agree. So i have been trying to find better. I have had help on water..that i never quite got right..but the help was wonderful and i love trying different things...like if REY post a help tut.....i open PS..and try it....hell,i even write it in a notebook i keep like i'm in Class or something.
My fav's are full of PS related links, so i am trying.
I just think that instead of bothering folks.....i could get some advise...and suggestion's in the comment spot...like they were intended for. Someone stated that if they see the person trying, they would not mind helping....i enter about every contest....i hoover around the bottom of the page for 3 days....and while i do get my fair share of nice comments...i hardly ever get a helpful one....it would be nice to know what made 124 people say...NAHHHHH not voting for it....i don't really have a specific problem i am trying to solve....i am just looking for some realistic input....Then if i can't correct or figure it out....i may go to PMing.
Thanks Shaman for your kind words and offer, you are one of the ones here.. i look up to. Scion is not such a bad guy either..

How can you not like a man that feels a certain way...Then stands and tells the world to go FOOK themselves if they don't like it......


...hell that's how i was raised...and it's nice to see someone else does it too.