Thx, ReyRey for that video.. its head for everyone I know..
Almost one year ago, days before my 50th BD, I passed out while driving. No one was killed, only a dented fender. Healthy as a rock for years and years, there was no warning, no signs, nothing. After 3 days in the hospital, hundreds of tests later, I was dying. The electrical signal from my brain to my heart was shutting down, and no solution in sight. Too many things to say to loved ones, too many things to do, no time left. THEN ... while the little green men in scrubs were testing my heart while I was in surgery they found it. It was a fleshy little growth that was short circuiting the signal to the heart. They lasered it off. Next day, on my 50th, I left the hospital like nothing had ever happened. LITERALLY feeling 25 years old again.
Bottom line, I've been where Randy Pausch has been and back again, and I can attest to his message.
Live your life now .. ALL OF IT .. !